Powerful Moves [L.U.S.T.] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Powerful Moves [L.U.S.T.] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Tonya Ramagos

Book: Powerful Moves [L.U.S.T.] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Tonya Ramagos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tonya Ramagos
Tags: Romance
be the truth. She had gotten power drunk last night, and the after effects of it kicked up a jack hammer in her brain this morning.
    Hesitantly, easily, she pried her eyes open to find herself bathed in darkness. Okay, not morning. Still night. Or night again, she realized as bits of the hours prior to her falling asleep came back. She started to fit those pieces together when a metaphysical push to her mind made her stifle a cry.
    Elena, are you alright ? Michael, always perceptive and so very protective, spoke in her thoughts. The connection was always stronger when he initiated the contact. It also hurt like a bitch when it sliced through a headache.
    “I’m fine. I was sleeping. Where are you?” It was easier for her to whisper than think. He’d hear her regardless.
    Gideon and I have returned to LUST . What did you do with the man ?
    The man? The question swam several laps in Elena’s mind before the answer surfaced. Tavius.
    A rush of intense flashbacks slammed into her thoughts.
    That is a little more than I needed to know .
    Elena’s cheeks grew hot at the combination of surprise and protective disapproval in his tone. “Then you shouldn’t be probing in my head,” she muttered crossly. “I told you I didn’t like all this mental-babble bullshit when you taught me to use it.”
    But you cannot argue that it has come in very handy on occasion .
    No, she couldn’t argue with him no matter how much she wished she could. Her telepathic connection with Michael, Gideon, and even Cedric aided them in many missions that might have turned out badly otherwise.
    He is powerful, this Tavius .
    Elena didn’t know how to answer that, so she kept her mouth shut and her mind as blank as she could manage. She figured it worked when Michael didn’t comment further.
    I assume he is with you now .
    Elena’s vision sharpened in the darkness, and she glanced at the empty bed on either side of her. “He’s in the guestroom.” She hoped.
    Gods, for all she knew he could’ve left after…after…
    Bring him in as soon as you are up and dressed . We have much to discuss .
    Elena felt the mental pop as Michael broke the connection. She expelled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and crawled out of bed. A little unsteady on her feet, she braced herself on the nightstand and waited for the room to stop its tilt-a-whirl tricks.
    Damn it, what had the bastard done to her? What sort of power did he use on her?
    Even as she thought the questions, the answers came on their heels. Nothing. The power she felt move through her in the hallway had been potent and intoxicating and not Tavius’s, just as the power in the woods had not been his. At least not his alone. She couldn’t say why she felt so certain of that. She just knew.
    If not his, then whose? Where had it come from? Powers didn’t materialize out of nowhere or nothing. All electricity, be it man-made or metaphysical, had a source. Cedric had taught her that.
    Though she really, really didn’t want to, Elena opened her mind, searching the passages within for the way to Cedric. When she found the door at the end, she gave it a push and bit her bottom lip at the sharp slice of pain the effort caused. Then she cursed a blue streak when the door didn’t budge.
    “Friggin’ bastard and your impenetrable shields.” She raked a hand through her hair and stomped out of her bedroom.
    She hesitated in the hallway, her gaze landing on the area of the wall where she’d experienced the orgasm of all orgasms hours before. Many hours before, she mused, realizing she’d slept through an entire day of sunlight.
    “Definitely one powerful orgasm,” she muttered but couldn’t stop the satisfied smile from curving her lips. Who knew an orgasm could knock her lights out?
    Remnants of her release lingered in the air of the hallway along with the sounds she had made, and the visions of Tavius on his knees with his face buried between her legs. Her inner thighs tingled,

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