Lindsay's Surprise Crush

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Book: Lindsay's Surprise Crush by Angela Darling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Darling
am I going to be babysitting?”
    â€œWell, ah, it’s more of a mother’s helper kind of job,” said her mother, resetting the oven timer for ten more minutes. “A bunch of people in Daddy’s office are having a potluck dinner, an engagement party for a young lawyer, and quite a few people are bringing their kids. The hostess, Mrs. Elkman, asked Daddy if he knew any babysitters. You can keep an eye on the kids while the grown-ups are having dinner. It’ll be outside, mostly, although it may turn cold when the sun sets and you may be inside with them as well.”
    â€œOkay,” said Lindsay. “What time?”
    â€œWe have to leave in . . . half an hour,” said her mom. “Daddy’s meeting us there. Oh, dear, I’d better run and get dressed!”
    An hour later, Lindsay found herself in the massive backyard of a large house across town. She’d barely had time to change into babysitting attire—her most comfy sweatshirt, oldest pair of jeans, and sneakers—before they’d had to run out the door.
    There were six little kids, ranging in age from three to seven. Lindsay had always liked little kids, and aftershe oversaw them all eating dinner, they spent a fun half an hour outside in the backyard, creating huge bubbles with oversize bubble wands, playing beach-ball tag, and drawing pictures on the walkway with colored chalk. When dusk set in and it started to get cold, Mrs. Elkman came outside and suggested that Lindsay take them downstairs to the basement, where there were lots of games to play.
    â€œMy own kids are all in college now,” said Mrs. Elkman, “but we still have all their games down there!”
    When Lindsay got down to the basement with the kids, she was surprised to discover an upright piano in the corner. It was old and battered, but in tune, with no keys missing.
    â€œPlay us sumpin, Lih-zy!” said the three-year-old girl, Molly. “Play me the ‘Eensy Weensy Spider’!”
    Lindsay sat down with Molly on her lap and played it. Immediately the rest of the kids dropped their toys and gathered around the piano, enthralled. She found a beaten-up old songbook inside the bench. She played all their suggestions, and the kids sang along exuberantly to each one. They were in the seventh verse of “The Wheels on the Bus” when she became aware thatsomeone had tiptoed down the basement steps and was standing at the bottom of the stairs, listening.
    â€œOkay, guys, let’s take a break,” said Lindsay after they’d finished the tenth verse. She swiveled her legs around the piano bench and found herself looking straight at Nick.

chapter 13
    HE WAS THE LAST PERSON IN THE WORLD SHE’D expected to find herself staring at.
    â€œWait, what? What are you doing here?” she stammered.
    He grinned. “Hello to you, too,” he said, ambling over to the piano.
    â€œI didn’t think . . . I mean I thought . . . how do you even know the Elkmans? This is, like, a work party for my dad’s office.”
    â€œI know,” said Nick. “But Alberto and Mrs. Elkman went to college together and they’re old friends, and she knew your mom and dad were good friends with my mom and stepdad, so she invited them to come. And . . . I heard maybe you might be here, so I tagged along.”
    â€œBut what about your—what about Cassidy’s party?” asked Lindsay. “Why aren’t you there?”
    He shifted uncomfortably, dropping his eyes to the floor. “It’s fine. I’ll show up a little later. It’s actually just a few blocks over from here, so I can walk.”
    For the first time, Lindsay noticed what he was wearing. A polo shirt. Khaki pants. And his hair looked like he’d combed it. She’d never known him to comb his hair, ever. He’d once confessed to her that he just ran his fingers through it once or twice

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