The Werevamp Diaries: Moon Beam Dream (The Lynlee Lincoln Series Book 5)

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Book: The Werevamp Diaries: Moon Beam Dream (The Lynlee Lincoln Series Book 5) by Olivia Hardin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Hardin
Prieto released her, falling back onto his backside as the woman levitated, her arms thrust down so that her chest rose higher than the rest of her form.  She opened her mouth, and the screeching sound of a bird filled the cave.
    And then her entire body collapsed in on itself until it drifted to the floor, nothing more than snow white ash.
    Lynlee rushed forward, standing over the pile with a quizzical look on her face. “Is that it?”
    “No.” Standing, Prieto spoke in a gritty tone. “That’s not it.” He put out one arm and used it to sweep her back just as the pile of dust burst up to the ceiling.  From the fine powder formed a magnificent flaming bird of red and gold.
    Just like that, Red was reborn.  She unfurled her wings and exited the cave so fast that all Rhiannon could see was a blur of fire trailing after her.
    “Are you going to go after her?” Rhia asked.
    Prieto’s chest rose and fell with a long sigh.  “I must.  This is my responsibility.”
    Lynlee frowned at the angel.  “We’re the ones who broke her out of prison.”
    He crooked a long black eyebrow at her. “Yes, you are.”
    “Crap.” Rhiannon stomped her foot as she moved to stand beside her friend. “You let us do it.  You set me up and then you let me make Lynlee an accessory.”
    He shrugged. “I didn’t set you up.  I hoped you could find a way to treat her and at least stop the suffering of the curse.  But when you weren’t able to, I knew the only way was to allow you to help her out so that she could find her own release.  But it doesn’t change what she is.  It doesn’t change the wrongs she’s committed.  She must pay for her crimes.”
    Lynlee was still staring at him, a funny expression on her face. “I’m not really feeling that pull I used to feel around you.”
    Prieto’s lips stretched into a line, but he didn’t respond.  Rhiannon could pretty much figure out what that meant.  His attention and affections were focused on someone new now and without his attraction to Lynlee, his angel powers weren’t an issue for her.  Beck would be happy to hear that... that was, if he got over how pissed he would be about their prison break escapade.
    “How ya’ feelin?” she asked her friend.
    Lynlee opened her mouth, and Rhia knew good and well the witch was about to start fussing. Then she snapped her jaw closed, and her shoulders fell a little. “I’m actually pretty tired.  But I’m not sorry you called me, okay?”
    Rhiannon nodded, then turned to Prieto. “I think she’s had enough excitement for tonight.  You mind delivering me back to my place?”  
    “Wait.  I have to know something.” Lynlee put her hand up, then leaned in so that only Rhiannon could hear her. “How many times has Prieto seen you naked?”

Chapter 16
    F rom the second she arrived back home, Rhiannon had the sense something was off.  She sniffed the air, studying the dark apartment with intense black eyes.  Prieto didn’t seem interested in staying, which was okay with her.  She was, after all, still naked as the day she was born.  She could just about imagine how Sandy would take that, so she hoped she could slip into something before her boyfriend woke up.
    But just two steps down the hall, her hackles immediately went up.  She sucked a quick pinch of air into her nose again and recognized the scent.  Dropping her blanket, she raced to the bedroom and found it empty, no sign of either Sandy or Remy.  Worse, the dresser and the baby’s bed were both overturned, the room in complete disarray.  When she turned to head down the hall, she heard the flush of the toilet from the bathroom behind her and whipped around quickly to see a tall, broad-shouldered man step out, adjusting the button on his jeans.
    “Ah, the werevamp in the flesh.  Literally.” He licked his lips, then used a hand to comb his long black hair back from his face. “And what perfectly delectable flesh it is.”
    Her wolf responded

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