The Werevamp Diaries: Moon Beam Dream (The Lynlee Lincoln Series Book 5)

Free The Werevamp Diaries: Moon Beam Dream (The Lynlee Lincoln Series Book 5) by Olivia Hardin

Book: The Werevamp Diaries: Moon Beam Dream (The Lynlee Lincoln Series Book 5) by Olivia Hardin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Hardin
a poltergeist.  As she hurried along the granite halls, she saw a little flash of blue light flicker to her right.  It looked almost like a flame burning beneath the stone.  The strangest thing was, that it seemed to be following them.
    Suddenly a cacophony of sounds erupted all around them.  Banging and moaning and thundering shook the walls, causing little pebbles of stone to begin raining down on them.
    “They’re here...” Red murmured, and whether she was intending to be funny or not, Rhiannon couldn’t help the anxious laugh that welled up in her.  But with all of the noise she figured neither Red nor the poltergeists could hear her.
    “What the hell?”  Someone cried out, and as they rounded a corner there was Lynlee, her hands on her ears and a pretty pissed-off expression on her face.  “What did you do?”
    “I think I tripped the alarm.  C’mon, let’s go.”
    They started running for the alcove. Even though Rhiannon was carrying an entire extra person, Lynlee still trailed behind.  She worried she’d made a mistake bringing her friend in on this, but there was no time for second-guessing now, because the sound of pounding steps echoed from down the corridor. 
    “Here,” she said, stopping and putting Red down on wobbly feet. “Lynlee, help her.  I’ll distract them.”
    “Distract who?”
    They both stared down into the darkness where growling and barking were getting closer. “How the hell would I know who?  Whoever that is.” She shoved the sickly woman into Lynlee’s arms and pushed them forward. 
    Her instincts were kicking into gear, the wolf within her so intent on letting loose she didn’t even take the time to remove her clothes before starting the shift.  Leaving a trail of shredded shirt and jeans behind her, she followed close behind Lynlee as her bones and muscle contorted her into a giant light brown wolf.
    She kept her ears cocked so that she could hone in on the creatures approaching, straining to differentiate between them and the continual racket of the poltergeists.  Just as they made the last turn to get to the alcove, she pivoted and came face-to-face with two enormous hellhounds.
    “Holy crap,” Lynlee screeched from behind her.  She couldn’t see her friend, but she hoped to hell the woman was kicking it into gear so they could get the hell out of there. 
    The hellhounds were growling and panting, red and black smoke emitting from their nostrils as they pawed the ground in front of her.  Rhiannon bowed up her back, attempting to make herself look larger.  It was a pitiful trick considering the demonic dogs were at least twice her size.
    “We’re almost there, Rhiannon.  Get your ass over here and don’t do anything stupid,” her friend called out to her from down the corridor.
    Too late , she said in her mind.  The dogs paced in front of her, taking turns advancing and sniffing in her direction.  She backed up slowly, raising the lip of her snout and snarling at them.  One of them got a little too close, and she swiped with a clawed paw at him.  She wasn’t sure, but she thought he might have smiled a little.
    And that was when she started to get pissed.  Her blood pounded red hot in her veins, and instead of backing up, she bounded at the one closest to her, the one with the grin.  She aimed her razor-sharp claws at his face and lashed him straight across the eye.  The hound issued a puppy-like howl and rolled back, rubbing his bleeding face.
    Serves you right.  You’re nothing but a big bully.   They might be bigger, but she was faster.  She dodged before the bully’s friend could take a chunk out of her thigh, but his mouth got close enough she could feel the burn of his breath on her.  She leaped on agile paws, catapulting off the wall so that the massive hellhounds couldn’t even follow her with their eyes.  The dogs bumped into each other as they tried to get to her, and she used their confused delay to run full-tilt towards

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