A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3)

Free A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3) by Nikki Lynn Barrett

Book: A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3) by Nikki Lynn Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Lynn Barrett
time. I got ahead of myself. Excuse me for a moment." Then she darted off.
    Yeah right. Becca bet she wouldn't be back and had no idea if anyone else would approach them or not.
    "Thank you, Shara. If you didn't say anything, I would have," Rissi said, moving to stand in front of Becca. "You okay?"
    "I'm not sure what to make of it yet. She caught me off guard with her pushy attitude," Becca admitted, casting a look at Beverly. Her heart ached. These were the things she would be doing with her mother if Anne Lange hadn't lost her life twenty years ago. Becca pictured what Mom, Dad, and Ellie would have looked like now. Would Ellie have been her maid of honor? Maybe if she'd have lived, Ellie would be a mom today, and her daughter could have been Becca's flower girl. If she'd had a son, he'd make a a cute ring bearer.
    A whirlwind of emotions hit her with the thoughts. Becca held back a sob as hot tears pricked her eyes. She didn't have time to wipe them away before everyone surrounded her again, including Beverly.
    "What's wrong?"
    "Why the tears?"
    Beverly hugged Becca. "I'm sorry, sweetheart," she said soothingly. "You're missing your family, aren't you?"
    "I may not know who my real parents are, but the Langes were all I had," she cried, clinging to Beverly. "I didn't think all this would hit me so bad. I don't have a father to walk me down the aisle and give me away. I don't have my mother to pass on family traditions and tell me stories about her own wedding day. I don't have my sister to be my maid of honor and be here to plan things a sister would help plan. All I know is this emptiness inside that can't be filled because I don't know anything about who I am. I'm trying to let it go because I may never learn anything, but it hurts s-so much!"
    By now, there were a handful of people in the store. Before Becca fell apart, she sensed them all watching her. Ugh! Why did this all have to hit her right now. She'd been doing so well.
    Beverly continued to comfort her. She was someone who was a mother figure, but not her own. She was Eva's mother, not Becca's. "I understand. My mom wasn't alive when I married Todd. It was an emotional time. I had so much excitement to marry the man I'm still head over heels for to this day, but I didn't have my mom to share the special occasion with me. I had so many friends and family to help, but nothing can fill the void. I get it, Becca. I know you feel out of place lately, but know you're not. You're where you belong, here with Hunter and all of us."
    "I-I'm sorry for m-making such a spectacle." She pulled away and dried her eyes.
    "Oh honey. Everyone has days like this. Don't worry. I know we can't replace your parents, but all of us," she pointed to Shara and Rissi, "love you."
    "Thank you." Becca pulled a tissue from her travel box in her purse and dabbed her eyes. "I hope you don't think I don't appreciate all of you."
    Rissi surrounded her in a hug. "Becca, I've known you for ten years. You're my sister at heart. We've learned family isn't always blood. We've got your back, sister! I plan on making your wedding day the best ever. Of course you're going to be emotional, and it's okay. Now come on, let's all go find the dress of your dreams."
    Later, Becca stood in the center of the three way mirror in a dress she loved. Rissi and Shara sat in the throne chairs, reminding her of a princess world. For a little while, she'd be the princess. Becca ran her hand down the side of the pearl white silk fabric and imagined herself walking down the aisle to Hunter wearing this. When Rissi handed it to her and Becca realized the dress was sleeveless, she'd hesitated. But wearing it, the ruched bodice actually looked good on her. It came down lower in the back, but it didn't matter. Becca fell in love with this dress. Below the bust, there was a bit of beading detail design in the same white color as the rest of the dress. It didn't have a long train, which she appreciated, and the dress barely

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