
Free Headstrong by Meg Maguire

Book: Headstrong by Meg Maguire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Maguire
at any rate, Reece fancies boring girls. Sweet… curvy .”
    “Now that I am not.”
    “Nah. You’re a panther. Reece is into house cats. Girls who teach kindergarten or start their own catering companies. Wholesome stuff like that.”
    Libby pouted.
    “Hey, don’t give up or anything. You’re bloody hot the way you are. I’d wrap your legs around my ears in a heartbeat.”
    “Poetic. Thanks, Tiger.”
    He shrugged. “You know Reece. Or actually, you don’t. He’s…he’s like a monk, all calm and disciplined. He’s been that way since he was born. You’re like a tornado let loose in his monastery. Personally, I think you’d be good for him. But I don’t know if he’d agree… I hope he does. He could use a little chaos.”
    “But if you’re driving him loopy,” Colin went on, “thinking it’s going to win him over, you’re wasting your time. Reece doesn’t go in for head games. You might want to try a little sincerity. He’s a sucker for the straight and narrow.”
    “I see.” Libby contemplated the option of sincerity for a moment. The thought of all that openhearted honesty made her feel naked.
    Colin straightened up. “If you don’t mind my asking, what do you see in Reece? Not that you shouldn’t see something. I’m just curious.” He tossed tomatoes into the pan, seeming uncomfortable with own jealousy.
    Libby raised her eyebrows, deciding recklessly to play with a little of Colin’s fire. “Do you think I’m barking up the wrong Nolan?”
    “I know it’s none of my business.”
    “You think you could teach me a thing or two, don’t you?”
    He smiled deeply and, if Libby wasn’t mistaken, blushed. “What makes you think I wouldn’t prefer to be the student, eh?”
    It was Libby’s turn to blush. Oh, if you only knew.
    “I can tell you’ve only got eyes for my brother. Although Christ knows why,” Colin said through a sigh, pretending to be insulted by her preference. “But if you’re looking for a Kiwi conquest, I’m delighted you’ve set your sights within our lucky little flat. Let me know if I can aid in the expedition at all. He could do with having his brains properly fucked out. Might loosen him up.” He didn’t notice Libby’s deepening flush. “Reece, though? You do like a challenge.”
    Libby looked at her feet. “Well, I mostly like that he’s never made a pass at me. Or even really looked at me, that way.”
    Colin laughed. “Oh, he has. He’s just too Zen master to show it.”
    She glanced up. “You think?”
    “You’re hard to ignore, Libby, even without the nonstop flirting. You make a trackie top look like a teddy. Reece has noticed you. He said he saw you dancing about in your togs on the beach.”
    “That he did.”
    “Poor bastard.” Colin handed her a fresh cup of coffee.
    “Thanks. Well, he’s never made me feel like he was checking me out. He’s…he’s not a creep.”
    “Nah, he’s a gentleman. He’ll make a good plod.”
    “A what?”
    “A copper,” Colin said. “He’s meant to start training for the police in a few months.”
    Libby gaped. “ Seriously? ”
    “Yeah. He’ll be great at it.” Colin looked genuinely proud. He flipped the sausages with a sizzle.
    “Wow.” Libby Prentiss, policeman’s wife. How twisted would that be? “But wait—so they’ll have to do like a whole background check on Reece, presumably.”
    “Yeah, all that good stuff. I know what you’re thinking.” Colin cracked an egg into a second pan. “About what he agreed to do for your dad?”
    He nodded. “Reece took a big chance on that. If you’d reported him when you caught him, for spying on you or whatever, he’d have been buggered. Or if he got caught, doing shady, under-the-table shit.” He cracked another egg. “Buggered.”
    “Why’d he do it, then? He doesn’t seem to want the job.”
    “We need the money.” Colin’s voice turned heavy. “Pretty bad. Our dad died in January, and we’re up

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