A desire come true (The Never Changing Wish Book 1)

Free A desire come true (The Never Changing Wish Book 1) by R. B. Constantine

Book: A desire come true (The Never Changing Wish Book 1) by R. B. Constantine Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. B. Constantine
worst because I will be merciless.”
    “Is that so, Mr. Noble, or should I say Mr. Merciless,” I respond with a grin on my face, unable to held my excitement that suddenly erupted hearing him.
    After I’m done talking with Mr. Danger, I give the phone back to Oliver and start thinking about what he said. Standing in the car, meditating, I lose track of time and all of a sudden, we reach our destination, my old house. Home, sweet home. The grass has started to get pretty big and the dust inside the house is visible. Well, it’s not my problem anymore, I guess. It’s sad that all of this happened out of the blue. People are dying out of anything these days. One day you are perfectly fine, the other you find out you have cancer or I don’t know, some crazy condition that will make your life expectancy drop to three mouths. Not much is left that must be taken, so I double check to make sure I don’t miss anything then I signal Oliver that we are done here. I think this is the last time I will step into this house, of all I know. We put the stuff we gathered in the trunk and after we leave slowly, back to my, our new home. I glimpse back for a second still attached to some extent to it.
    The way back home is boring and with no talk at all. I don’t know, I entered in a deep state of melancholy. I arrive at the house. Oliver does his job as I enter the house in the same state as an hour ago. My face is dead, no emotion can pierce through. Ashley is on her way down the stairs. She glances at me, seeing the state I am in.
    “Alice dear, what is the problem? Come here,” she says and grabs me in a tight hug. I embrace her, letting myself enjoy the warmth of the love of my friend. She asks me again, this time whispering in my ear. I tell her the reason and she exhales in sign of relief. She caresses my hair with a slow and soft hand. We stand there, like we are frozen in time, unable to move. Oliver comes through the door and sees us in the middle of the room. He stares at us for a second then puts the box he has in his hands down on the floor and walks closer to us.
    “Hey, what's up? Why you crying all of a sudden. It’s because of the joke?” He says truly concerned about me.
    “What joke, what have you guys done? Oliver, tell me now!”
    “Hey, chill, we didn't do anything bad.” He looks a little scared by Ashley’s reaction and he should be. Ash gets scary when you piss her off; and dangerous as well.
    “Ash, it’s not him,” I say with a low voice, barely hearable. She moves her eyes from him to me in an instant, ready to listen to my explanation. Oliver comes closer to us, now that Ashley directed her attention to me. I get 1 inch away from her ear and explain what happened, Oliver being unable to hear anything. After I’m done and Ash softens up, Oliver is still in the dark.
    “You are free to go, dear,” she says to him. Not knowing what to say anymore, Oliver makes his way upstairs, puzzled by what took place. I and Ash go in the kitchen to eat something. I for one am starving. After we are done eating, I go take a shower and Ashley goes to a meeting. Inside the bathtub I can feel all the bad stuff leaving my body, refreshing it. It feels so good, I can stay here forever. I let myself prey to this feeling, almost like someone is holding me tight, his warmth filing my body. It remains me of Levi and his touch. I let my imagination go wild and suddenly I find touching myself. I think about it for a second and then continue. My fingers slowly rub against my clit, making me feel up with pleasure. I imagine the one touching me like this is Levi. I fasten the pace, making myself breath faster and faster. I continue until I finally explode with a deep sound. The did done, I realize I’m inside the bathroom for more than 1 hour. I should get out. I stand up, letting to warm water drip down my body. I stand like this for a minute then towel dry my hair and body. I return to my room. As I walk through the door

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