Thin White Line

Free Thin White Line by J.A. Templeton, Julia Templeton

Book: Thin White Line by J.A. Templeton, Julia Templeton Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.A. Templeton, Julia Templeton
    “I heard you were locked in the bedroom with Ryder.” Sadie makes a sound between her teeth. “I told you our dance moves would drive him wild.”
    She meets my gaze in the rearview mirror. “ he as good as rumored?”
    My cheeks burn. I can tell by her expression that she thinks we did a lot more than what we had done. “We just kissed.” I wasn’t about to bring up the part where he had me on my back on Deklan’s bed or that we had gone further than I had with any guy. With the weightless feeling I’d been experiencing last night, I can almost guarantee that I wouldn’t have pushed Ryder away.
    I know one thing—with how shitty I’m feeling—I’m not in any rush to party again.
    “I don’t look sort of guilty.” Sadie gives me a cocky grin.
    “Leave her alone,” Brooke says, her voice laced with irritation.
    Sadie lifts a brow at her. “She likes him and he obviously likes her, so what’s the big deal?”
    “Exactly,” Brooke snaps. “So just drop it.”
    We fall into an awkward silence and I’m relieved when we pull up to Deklan’s. My heart misses a beat seeing Ryder’s silver Acura in front.
    “Oh goodie, Mr. Hottie isn’t wearing a shirt.”
    I expect to look out and see Ryder without his shirt, but it’s Deklan who is washing his truck in the driveway...shirtless...and I have to admit that his body is off-the-chain amazing; broad shoulders, wide chest, shredded six pack, defined V that disappears into the low waistband of his jeans. I think about last night, watching him play the drums, the way his body moved in time to the beat, the muscles in his biceps bulging with each strike of the drumstick.
    “Hey, Deklan.” Brooke slides out of the car and adjusts the seat so I can get out.
    “Hey,” he replies, flashing a grin. Had I noticed those deep dimples last night? “Glad to see you didn’t get towed.”
    “Yeah, me, too.”
    “How are you feeling today, Kenzie?” Deklan asks, his gaze shifting over my black tank top, frayed jeans and flip flops.
    Sadie takes in the view for a minute, ultimately whistling between her teeth. “I have to get going.”
    “Is Curtis here?” Brooke asks.
    Deklan rolls back on his heels. “Still in bed, I think.”
    “He has my keys,” Brooke says and I’m half tempted to follow behind her. I really want to see Ryder again, but I’d have to run to catch up, as well as the fact that I don’t want to look desperate.
    “Later, Kenz!” Sadie calls and pulls away from the curb.
    I wave, then lean against the fence and watch as Deklan wipes the truck down with a towel. I check out all of his tattoos as he does. The filigree working its way up the sides to his back is an intricate work of art in itself. It’s nothing short of amazing; and the castle tattoo takes up his entire left shoulder.
    “Did you have fun last night?” he asks abruptly.
    I nod. “Yeah, it was fun.”
    His lips quirk. All my life I have sought approval from others; my parents, my teachers, my friends. I always did what was right and, admittedly, I don’t feel like I need to apologize for a night of letting loose.
    Tossing the towel over his shoulder, he shrugs. “Normally, I have a pretty good intuition when it comes to people.”
    “And what does your intuition say about me?” I ask, intrigued.
    His eyes narrow, but the slight smile remains. “I think you watch people a lot. You say little, but you see everything. You follow versus lead, not because you don’t have what it takes to lead, but you can get lost in the crowd that way. It’s just...easier.”
    Did he just diss me?
    I frown. Is he right? Am I a follower? I think about my life in San Diego. Like in any school, even Saint Catherine’s had cliques. I definitely hadn’t been a leader of any group.  Even in my own family, I take a step back to my brother; Cole has always been the star.
    Deklan takes a few steps, closing the distance that separates us. If I wasn’t standing

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