Deadly Chase
Chase returned, he focused on Sierra’s injury. Her jeans had torn and splashes of blood dotted the material. He knelt, set down the kit and carefully lifted her pant leg, exposing the wound. The four-inch gash probably looked uglier than the actual injury warranted, due to fresh blood mixing with the drying outer rim, but it needed treatment.
    Chase trailed his finger around the bruised, swollen area. Guilt nudged him. Sierra wouldn’t have this injury if she hadn’t been afraid of him in the first place. “I’m sorry this happened. But, I think you’ll live.”
    “Yeah. But, for how long? If Kevin has his way—”
    Chase jerked up his head. “He won’t get what he wants.”
    “How can you be so sure?”
    “I’m staying with you until this is over.”
    “Are you telling me the SPD will pay for twenty-four hour protection? That is hard to believe considering they didn’t want to help me before.”
    “It’s not a matter of what the SPD wants. It’s a matter of limited resources. Besides, the Seattle Police Department is not offering you protection. I am . I’m not here in an official capacity, Sierra. I took a leave of absence, both to protect you and apprehend the man who murdered my sister.”
    “But there’s no guarantee Kevin’s even looking for me. You could be wasting your time.”
    Chase stiffened. “Do you really think he’s given up?”
    Sierra smoothed a wrinkle out of the multi-colored bedspread, looking lost and desperate. “If I did, I wouldn’t be here.”
    The tears pooling in her eyes twisted his gut. This wasn’t the first time Chase wanted to pull her into his arms, and he suspected it wouldn’t be the last. “I will do everything I can to keep you safe.” He lived with the knowledge he hadn’t protected Amber, and to add anyone else to the list would be unbearable—especially if it was Sierra. He studied the cramped motel room. Although the front door had adequate locks, the sliding glass door would provide an easy point of entry. He made a mental note to take extra precaution in securing it later.
    “I’ll need to stay close to you.”
    “You can’t stay here”—she looked around—”with me.”
    Although he wanted to keep her within eyesight at all times, staying with her wasn’t a feasible option. With his strong attraction, temptations would arise, and he knew better than to take the risk. “I’m not suggesting we share a room. I’ll rent the adjoining one.” He nodded to the connecting doorway.
    “What if it’s already occupied?”
    “I’ll have them or you moved to another room. We’ll get some rest, and then we’ll figure out what to do tomorrow.”
    “ We will? It’s nice to know I still have some say in the matter.”
    “It’s not my intention to make you feel as if you have no control. As a matter of fact, it’s the opposite I’m hoping for. If you have ideas, tell me. I’m willing to listen. I’m just trying to keep you safe.”
    Sierra’s shoulders relaxed as she looked at him with widened eyes. “That’s not what I expected to hear from a cop.”
    “I’m just full of surprises aren’t I?” He waited, watching to see if her anger had fully dissipated. When her lips curled into a smile, relief flooded through him, and he took that simple act as a sign she’d forgiven him.
    He returned her smile, cupped her calf and lifted her leg onto his bent knee. Her skin felt warm and smooth, and he had to force himself to concentrate. Her wound served as a reminder of all that was at stake. “The first time you ran from me you nearly got crushed by an SUV. And this time”—Chase met her gaze and lowered his voice, emphasizing his point—”if Eason had found you before I did, you’d be dealing with much worse than a scrape.”
    “Kevin can’t possibly know I’m at this motel. I’ve only been here a few hours.”
    Chase lifted a brow. “I found you, didn’t I?”
    Her blue eyes darkened with fear, and the slight color that had returned

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