Her Ancient Hybrid

Free Her Ancient Hybrid by Marisa Chenery

Book: Her Ancient Hybrid by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
his siblings had left. He also had a faraway look in his eyes. She decided a distraction was in order.
    She turned off the TV with the remote, put it on the table at the end of the couch and stood. Waverly turned toward Brolach and held her hand out. “I think it’s time we went to bed.”
    He seemed to come back to the present and looked up at her. “I’m not tired yet.”
    She smiled. “Who said anything about sleeping?”
    Brolach put his hand in hers and stood as she pulled him up. She led him out of the living room, down the hall and into the bedroom. She turned the lights on with the switch before heading to the bed.
    Once she reached it, she put her arms around his waist and rubbed up against him. “I think we have to do something to pull you out of your thoughts. I know exactly what you need.”
    He cupped her face in his hands and tilted it up. “You do?”
    “Yes. Something we’ll both enjoy.”
    “I think I know what that will be.”
    Brolach bent his head and brushed his lips across hers. Waverly sighed. “Yup, that’s part of it.”
    The kisses they exchanged became more carnal with each article of clothing they took off each other. Once they were naked, Waverly was well on her way to being completely aroused. Brolach lifted her and placed her on the center of the bed before he followed her down. He covered her with his body, his cock coming to rest between her legs, but he didn’t attempt to enter her.
    He took her mouth once more in a heated kiss. She pushed her tongue inside his and licked each of his fangs that were fully extended. He moaned. During the many times she’d made love to Brolach, Waverly had found those long canines of his were an erogenous zone much like his cock. She’d also noticed he’d avoided using them on her.
    He ran his hand down her side, then hooked her leg over his arm, spreading her open wider. He rocked into her, but still didn’t join their bodies. Waverly whimpered with need. She was more than ready to have him take her. It wasn’t until she reached down and dug her nails into his ass, trying to tug him forward, did he push the head of his cock into her wet pussy.
    Waverly lifted her hips, and Brolach sank deeper. He set a slow and steady pace, which drove her crazy. She wanted him harder, faster, but he had other ideas. No matter how hard she set her nails into his backside, he didn’t give her what she wanted.
    “Brolach,” she moaned. “More.”
    His upper body held up on his bent arm, he looked down at her. “Not yet.” His thrusts stop, and she groaned in frustration. “Patience,” he said. “I need to say something to you.”
    “Right now?” she asked practically on a wail.
    “Yes. It’s no better time than now with me buried so deep inside you I don’t know where I end and you start.” His jade-green glowing eyes looked into hers. “Waverly, I love you. You’ve given me a reason to stay in the world. Thanks to you, I’ve found my family.”
    She reached up and caressed his cheek. “I didn’t do much about bringing Torger and Kaisa here.”
    “No, but if you hadn’t come to that hill and awakened me, I might not have ever met them. For that, I can never repay you, except with my heart. My love.”
    “Well, you already own mine. I love you, Brolach. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. For me there will be no one else.”
    With a moan, he pulled back and then surged into her. This time he gave her what she wanted. He thrust in and out at a quick pace. He angled his cock so it rubbed the right spot inside her to have an orgasm quickly building.
    Waverly held on to Brolach’s wide shoulders. Closer and closer her climax came to the surface, her body coiling tight. Her eyes snapped open as a sensation like nothing she’d ever experienced before took hold of her. It was almost as if a piece of him reached out for a piece of her. Almost as if their souls met. Once the two halves wrapped around each other and became one,

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