
Free Roses by G. R. Mannering

Book: Roses by G. R. Mannering Read Free Book Online
Authors: G. R. Mannering
gossiped and discussed politics.
    “Well, we should stop trading with them!” a shout echoed about the ballroom and caught the attention of most of the guests.
    Beauty peered around bodies to the largest of the groups in the middle of the ballroom, where Ma Dane was nodding her head vigorously.
    “And what gives you the right to make such statements?” said Pa Coo-se-Nutoes, exchanging glances with a fat State Leader next to him.
    “The Neighbor has been building its Magical defense for seasons,” replied Ma Dane. “Do the rebels not think that they will rise up? This Magic Cleansing is only infuriating the Magic Bloods and Magic Beings. They will triumph in the end, and then where will we be? We cannot afford to take the rebels’ side!”
    Pa Coo-se-Nutoes smoothed his dark moustache. “What makes you so sure that the rebels will not win? They have taken thecapital and its surrounding cities. They are driving out the Magical beasts.”
    “This is just like the Red Wars! The Magics won then, and they will win now. We cannot afford to get involved again.”
    There was an audible intake of breath among the onlookers.
    “If I remember correctly, you wished us to side with the rebels,” said Pa Coo-se-Nutoes in a low voice. “It seems you have changed your mind rather quickly!”
    “It was right then, but now—”
    “I think you are nothing more than a Magic sympathizer!”
    The women around Beauty gasped.
    “How dare you!”
    “Just look at the Magic thing you house.” Pa Coo-se-Nutoes pointed across the ballroom and Beauty felt all eyes turn to her. In the sea of faces, she saw Peony and Bow, their expressions hard.
    “My ward? She is not Magic! She is—”
    “I have always been suspicious.” Pa Coo-se-Nutoes leaned toward Ma Dane’s red, damp face. “I remember the circus,” he whispered.
    Ma Dane visibly trembled.
    “I think that I should like to dance with my husband,” said Ma Usa Coo-se-Nutoes, appearing from the crowd. She had not forgotten how Pa Coo-se-Nutoes had forged a place in State and it did not do to make enemies of one of the largest, richest families in Sago. Not yet.
    “Yes!” cried Ma Dane. “More dancing!”
    She signaled to the orchestra and they began to play a boisterous tune.
    “Mark my words, the rebels will be here soon,” said Pa Coo-se-Nutoes. “They are stronger than you think.”
    Couples flooded to the end of the room, anxious to dance away such thoughts.
    That night, Beauty dreamt of fire, swords, and death.

    The Danger
    T hree seasons later, the rebels marched into the Border Cities of Pervorocco. News of it rippled to Sago in hysterical waves. It was said that the rebels came in the night, towing canons and brandishing sabers and rifles. They called for Magical Cleansing and took all of the Magic Beings and Magic Bloods they could find and gathered them in pens like cattle. It is not known what happened to them after that. Some reports said that they were tortured; others that they were killed immediately. Either way, they were never seen or heard of again.
    In Sago, the shantytowns rioted. Anyone suspected of Magic was hauled into the streets and beaten and kicked. Those that had not already fled to the Wild Lands now left in droves. People were surprised to find friends and families disappear overnight—there were more Magics in Pervorocco than anyone had initially thought.
    The State Leaders gathered for emergency meetings to feverishly discuss what should be done. The rebels wanted alliance and if Pervorocco refused, they would invade. They had taken the whole ofThe Neighbor by force, and all were uncertain whether Pervorocco could withstand their guerrilla warfare. They had already barricaded most of the Border Cities, driving the residents from their homes and leaving bodies in the streets. Their only demand was an end to Magic.
    The Herm-se-Hollis dining table conversation was strained in these days. Pa Hamish and Ma Dane barely spoke,

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