Hidden Currents (Lagos Romance Series)

Free Hidden Currents (Lagos Romance Series) by Somi Ekhasomhi

Book: Hidden Currents (Lagos Romance Series) by Somi Ekhasomhi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Somi Ekhasomhi
runs this company.”
    “I am sorry.” Ada apologized, feeling
small. Her lies had earned her a chastising. If she had only told the truth,
Sophie and she would right now be huddled over the desk talking about every
single thing that had happened between her and Eddie…. Oh well.
    “Anyway,” Sophie gave her an
‘I-am-still-annoyed-with-you’ look and continued. “Your car will arrive in a
couple of days at the most.” She paused. “And don’t think I am not going to
find out why you think Eddie went behind you and used me to get you a car.”
    “I was just surprised,” Ada said
contritely, “and I know you understand that the bikes are more convenient when
I need to get from place to place really quickly.”
    “Well the days of bikes are over.” Sophie
said. “I heard from a very reliable source that they will soon be banned from
most roads. So get used to the traffic, you’re going to be getting stuck in it
from time to time.” She smiled mischievously. “So are you going to tell me
about the guy?”
    “There’s no guy!” Ada exclaimed, wondering
who the reliable source was.
    “I’ll just tell you now that I suspect that
it’s Eddie.”
    Ada tried to keep her face blank. She knew
Sophie would be studying her expression very closely. “Why would you think
that?” She asked calmly.
    “Well,” Sophie shrugged. “He’s been acting
much the same way as you, you know.” She considered for a moment. “Yeah, I’m
sure he’s in love.”
    Ada could almost hear her heart beating.
Stop it, she cautioned herself. He is in love doesn’t mean that he is in love
with you.
    “Maybe you’re mistaken.” She told Sophie.
    “Maybe I am.” Sophie mused. “He was over at
our place a few days ago and he actually asked Michael how he knew he was in
love and wanted to settle down.” She chuckled. “I think that’s telling.”
    Ada realized that she had been holding her
breath, waiting for Sophie to finish. She let it out slowly. “That doesn’t
really mean he is in love.” She said, forcing a laugh.
    Sophie shrugged. “He seems to want to talk
about you a lot.” She said. “No matter what we’re talking about he always seems
to somehow bring the conversation back to you.”
    “He does?” Ada asked before she could stop
herself. Was that eagerness she could hear in her voice? She grimaced.
    Sophie didn’t miss a thing. She gave Ada a
measured look and chuckled. “Well I hope he is in love.” She continued. “I’ve
definitely become that smug married girl who wants all her friend to settle
down as soon as possible,” She winked at Ada, “and that includes you.”
    Ada sighed and got up. “I had better go and
finish my work for the day.” She said. She was travelling early the next
morning to see her granny in Owerri. “Please try not to match-make me with
someone old and ugly.”
    “How about someone who we can all agree is
young and handsome?” Sophie asked innocently.
    Ada’s mind immediately went to Eddie. She
pretended to laugh. “Those ones are all taken.” She said, as she left Sophie
laughing in her chair.
    Her phone rang as she was about to leave
the office. It was Eddie.
    “What’s up?” He asked. “How was your day?”
    “Fine.” She replied. His voice still gave
her shivers up and down her spine.
    “Have you left yet?” He asked.
    “I’m just on my way out.” She told him.
    “Why don’t you wait for me?” He urged.
“It’s Friday, I could pick you up in less than thirty minutes. We could have a
drink or do anything you want.”
    Ada smiled. Ah! It was tempting. “You’ve
already had your one date. Remember?”
    “Yes.” He agreed. “And admit it, you like
me a little bit more now.”
    Ada sighed inwardly, if only he knew.
    “Just a drink,” He cajoled. “I promise I
will get you home before late.”
    Ada almost relented. “I can’t.” She said
finally, “I have to get ready for my trip tomorrow.”
    “Okay.” He said. “I’ll just drown

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