Stepbrother: No Boundaries

Free Stepbrother: No Boundaries by Amber Branley

Book: Stepbrother: No Boundaries by Amber Branley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Branley
Okay? And besides, I know you like my attitude, because you wouldn’t be with me if you didn’t.”
    “Keep telling yourself that.” She kisses me on the cheek and turns for the door. I grab her again and this time my hand clamps down harder on her arm.
    I need her to know I mean fucking business .
    “I’m not fucking with you. You understand that I’m serious about this, right? You’re not going to be able to morph me into another personality. I’m not going to soften up – ever . Do you understand that, Miranda?” I bore my eyes into hers and she suddenly looks submissive. I like that.
    She pauses, “Yes.”
    Good . Very fucking good .

    Chapter 15
    I don’t know these people but I don’t like them so far. They’re just like Scott but worse – I don’t mean that in a bad way towards Scott, I love him… But… They’re just two suits sitting there laughing about business deals and speaking in business terms I can’t comprehend.
    And the fiancé – ugh , where did Walter find her? Some high fashion model catwalk? She’s rail thin and hasn’t taken a bite of her food, literally. It’s sitting there getting cold in front of her and is big enough to feed three people. She stirs her fork around it casually and smirks every once in a while, even laughs occasionally at Walter like she somehow knows what he’s talking about. He ignores her playfulness and doesn’t even seem to realize she’s there, but Scott is doing the same to me.
    I’ve probably said four words since sitting down at the table – “Nice to meet you.” I’d say they said one or two – “Yeah, hi.” Brats, especially the girl. She just keeps sitting there ignoring me, even looking in my direction but just staring zombie like past me as if I’m not even there. Bitch…
    “So,” She says suddenly, “What do you do?” She’s staring at me with icy blue model eyes and smirking as if she already knows the answer.
    “Nothing, just live off his billions.” I say bluntly, and then burst into laughter.
    Scott hears this reply and laughs as well before wrapping his arm around me. The bitch directly across the table from me opens her mouth to speak but doesn’t say anything, and then twists her face into an awkward looking smile. She wasn’t expecting that brutal honesty. I decide to fire back at her. I’ve already had a few glasses of wine and I’m feeling particularly confident – I don’t care about hurting any feelings tonight, at least not when it comes to this nasty couple who don’t even acknowledge me.
    “What about you?” I ask, “Oh wait. Aspiring fashion model?”
    Her eyes narrow, “Aspiring? I’ve been on a cover.”
    “Of what? Starving artists? You look like you need to eat. Trust me, I’d love to lose about twenty pounds myself but you’re on a whole nother level. You look like the wind will blow you away once we step outside tonight! Please, dear, have a bite!”
    Her face turns white and Walter’s loud yapping voice stops speaking to Scott about whatever the hell it was speaking to him about. He stares at me uncomfortably and fidgets with his fork, but he’s already cleaned his plate by shoveling the food into his fat well fed mouth and he doesn’t know how to play off his uncomfortable feeling.
    “I’m fine, I’m not hungry.” The girl says.
    “Probably not,” My voice shakes, “Your stomach’s probably so used to not eating. Did you used to be fat, like me?” I ask.
    “Miranda.” Scott whispers and then rams his fist against my thigh, “Enough.”
    “It’s okay. She’s unconfident with herself,” The girl smiles, “I would be too if I was as overweight as her.”
    I stand up and grip the underside of the table. I flip it over towards the other couple with a surprising amount of ease, but that was most likely thanks to my rage strength at that very moment. As soon as the plates filled with foods and the bottle of opened wine along with

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