Swamp Magic (Crimson Romance)

Free Swamp Magic (Crimson Romance) by Bobbi Romans

Book: Swamp Magic (Crimson Romance) by Bobbi Romans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobbi Romans
Tags: Romance, Paranormal
there are a few vague mentions of the young Mrs. Markley, keyword being the Mrs., not widowed, but Mrs. Markley being added to towns register and church records. A few years later, another brief note declaring her husband, Mr. Markley, as deceased. Back in those days, all records would detail the husband’s assets and possessions, limiting a wife’s access. Understand that the rules were much different back then on what women could own without the aid of a husband. By all accounts, the only Markley mentioned with purchases, including the purchase of a piece of land, was a Mrs. Markley. Consider for a moment — if no Mr. Markley was around, why a death notice so many years later?”
    Beth rolled the information around her mind a bit. It would make sense his widow would need to stay a Mrs. in order to retain the respect needed for making substantial purchases. The laws may have changed, or maybe rumor had it wrong and she’d fallen in love with someone else, thus declaring her husband dead.
    “But as much as this does make sense, given the era when women had little to no rights, what makes you so certain this mysterious Mr. Markley is my Bog Man, or even the young leader who disappeared?”
    “I don’t think I know. That’s who he is. I’ve seen him in my visions before.”
    “You’ve had visions of him?” Beth hadn’t seen that coming.
    “Sort of. Vague ones, mainly of his emotions and inner torments, and not just his. Sadly, others as well. Though his emotions have come through the strongest. Even after all these years, he’s never forgiven himself for drinking too much and losing the children and his wife.”
    “But he didn’t lose the children. You said they returned the next morning.”
    “And so they did. But, sweetie, he never returned. Therefore, he has no idea the children were all returned unharmed. To his knowledge, due to his indiscretion with alcohol, he not only lost the children but also lost his young bride. His pain and anguish have reached me many, many a night.”
    A sudden ache stabbed her heart. She now understood why Moss had walked away. He feared hurting her, or worse, losing her — too great a risk in his mind’s eye. Hell, he still believed he’d lost his wife and the children and been the cause of their deaths. No wonder he seemed so confused and hurt. Technically, he was the one lost in the swamp, never making it out.
    She had to find him. Prove the children as well as his wife had walked out of the swamp unscathed. Show how their lives had gone on, and how only his hadn’t. No one had died on his watch or while under his care, and he needed to stop blaming himself for something that had never happened in the first place.
    “Okay, what can you tell me about this supposed man-stealing witch causing all this bullshit?”
    “She is quite old, strong, and extremely vengeful. Legend speaks of a sultry she-demon named Octavia. If the rumors are true, she isn’t one to challenge lightly.”
    “Okay, warning taken. Now tell me how I find the ole hag and stop her.”
    “Very carefully, honey, and most certainly not on your own. We will have to plan carefully before making any moves toward her.”

Chapter Eleven
    Beth began her trip home, going over and over all the things she’d learned and tried to formulate the best plan. Should she find
Moss and attempt to convince him of the truth first, or remove the threat itself first — the threat being the witch. Millions of questions and possibilities began running rampant in her thoughts.
    She wasn’t sure of anything except her desire to help Moss and experience his passionate touch again. She needed to make right that which had been made so terribly wrong. But how? Where should she start?
    Lost in thought, she rounded one of the many sharp bends in the dirt road leading away from Grace’s place. She was way out in the heart of the bayou when her sixth
sense kicked in. A strong sensation of wrongness enveloped her. So intense,

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