Strolling Into Danger (A Seagrove Cozy Mystery Book 6)

Free Strolling Into Danger (A Seagrove Cozy Mystery Book 6) by Leona Fox

Book: Strolling Into Danger (A Seagrove Cozy Mystery Book 6) by Leona Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leona Fox
them in. Roman was sitting at the table, his head in his hands and he looked up as they came in. His face was white, he had black circles ringing his eyes and his hair was standing on end.
    "Are you okay?" Sadie asked. "You look quite ill."
    "Ill? No." Roman said slowly.
    "But Winston was my cousin. That he would kill himself, I understand. Had I killed the woman I loved I would probably do the same. It's the fact of him killing Pabelin. I don't understand how he could do such a thing. I've lost two of my best performers and my faith in humanity. I'm not sure I'll ever get it back."
    "I heard you wanted to speak to me. What can I do for you?" Zack asked.
    "I wanted the official word," Roman said.
    "We are packing to leave, are we going to have issues with the police? Are we allowed to leave?"
    "Yes. You are free to go." Zack took a card from his wallet.
    "Contact this number to arrange for the return of your deceased to their families." Roman took the card and set on the table, running his finger along the edge.
    “Thank you. I will talk to the family and call tomorrow.” He smiled a bitter smile.
    “We never will come back to this town again. And perhaps not this state. Not while I’m running this circus.”
    “I don’t blame you,” Zack said.
    “I wouldn’t be inclined to come back either. Let me know if there is anything Seagrove’s finest can do for you before you leave. I really am sorry for your loss.” He reached his hand out to shake and Roman stared at it for a moment before taking it.
    Sadie wondered if Roman blamed Zack for Winston’s death. If the police hadn’t chased him, Winston might still be alive. But he would have been arrested for murder and most probably imprisoned for life so the result would have been much the same.
    Betty, Lucy, and Sadie drove back to town in Lucy’s car. Lucy dropped Sadie and Betty at the shop before driving off toward her own little house a few streets over. Sadie felt bad watching her go. She knew Lucy wondered if appearing as Pabelin had driven him to his death. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Lucy.
    “Why don’t you come back and stay with me tonight?” Sadie said. “Today was pretty rotten.”
    “Thanks, Sade,” Lucy said. “But I’m fine. And I need some alone time to process the day. Don’t worry, I will be alright.”
    “If you are sure,” Sadie said. She wished she felt like everything would be alright.
    “Come on,” Betty said, taking Sadie’s arm. “Let’s go inside and have a glass of wine. It’s been a long, long day.”
    “It has,” Sadie said, and let Betty guide her through the door.
    Mr. Bradshaw raced out of the office and ran in rings around the women before he jumped straight up into Sadie’s arms. She showered his face with kisses and carried him upstairs.
    “I’d better take him out for a walk,” she said.
    “But instead of wine, let’s have hot chocolate with amaretto in it. I’ll get the milk heating and, if you don’t mind, you can make the hot chocolate while I take Mr. B w-a-l-k-i-e-s.”
    “Of course, and I’ll put something together for us to eat, if you don’t mind me rummaging,” Betty said.
    “Rummage away, we’ll be back in fifteen minutes.” Sadie grabbed a leash from the hook and headed back downstairs. The park was dark, windy and cold.
    As soon as Mr. B had finished his business and sniffed around the flower beds, Sadie headed back across the grass toward her street, but as she neared the edge of the park, she noticed a very large figure sitting on the bench facing the street. In fact, he looked as though he was watching her shop. Sadie stood for a moment, wondering what she should do when she realized she knew who this was.
    “Hello,” she said.
    She would have liked to have called him by his name, but she only knew him by Mr. Big and Tall, and she couldn’t call him

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