Fly Me to the Morgue

Free Fly Me to the Morgue by Robert J. Randisi

Book: Fly Me to the Morgue by Robert J. Randisi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert J. Randisi
Tags: Suspense
he was,’ Bing said. ‘I asked Jerry to look.’
    Bing effectively took the pressure right off Jerry with that admission.
    â€˜Not exactly what you’re supposed to do when faced with a body, Mr Crosby,’ Lewis said. ‘We prefer witnesses don’t touch the victim.’
    â€˜Well,’ Bing said, ‘we didn’t really witness anything, did we?’
    â€˜It’s . . . just a word we use,’ Lewis said. ‘You found the body, and saw the car hurrying away.’
    â€˜I see,’ Bing said.
    â€˜And the house?’ Perry asked.
    â€˜What about it?’ Bing asked.
    â€˜Did anyone go in?’
    â€˜Well, yeah,’ Bing said. ‘Eddie and I went in to look for Mr Arnold. Jerry went to look in the barn.’
    â€˜Touch anything in the house?’ Lewis asked.
    â€˜Just the front doorknob,’ I said.
    Lewis made a note.
    â€˜We’ll be bringing the body out in a few minutes,’ Perry said. ‘If you don’t want to see it, you’re free to go.’
    â€˜You won’t be leaving Vegas anytime soon, will you, Mr Crosby?’
    â€˜We should be here a couple of more days,’ Bing said. ‘If there’s family around I might still want to buy the horse.’
    â€˜I see,’ Lewis said.
    â€˜Is that a little cold-blooded?’ Bing asked.
    â€˜Not at all, sir,’ Lewis said. ‘After all, you didn’t know the man . . . did you?’
    â€˜Never met.’
    â€˜All right, then,’ Lewis said. ‘The three of you can leave. We’ll need to take formal statements from you at some point.’
    â€˜We’ll be available.’
    We started for the car and then Lewis called, ‘Mr Crosby?’
    â€˜Yes?’ We all turned.
    â€˜You said you never met the deceased.’
    â€˜That’s right.’
    â€˜What about your trainer, Mr . . . Stanley?’ he asked, referring to his notebook. ‘Had he ever met him?’
    â€˜They spoke on the phone,’ Bing said, ‘but they never met.’
    â€˜Would I be able to question Mr Stanley about it?’ Lewis asked.
    â€˜That might be a problem,’ Bing said.
    â€˜Why’s that?’
    â€˜We don’t know where he is,’ Bing said. ‘He was supposed to meet me at the Sands, but he never showed up. We’re pretty worried.’
    â€˜I see. Have you made a report to the Vegas police?’ Lewis asked.
    â€˜No,’ Bing said, ‘we thought he might show up today. Still might, I guess.’
    â€˜All right,’ Lewis said. ‘We’ll be in touch.’
    We got in the car with Jerry behind the wheel. And drove away.
    We rode a while in silence and then I said, ‘Thanks, Bing, for taking the lead.’
    â€˜I noticed how they reacted to me,’ he said. ‘Respectful. Thought I might as well trade on that.’
    â€˜Once they get back to their offices and check on us, they’ll come around a little less respectfully,’ I said.
    â€˜Well, if they do, let me know if I can help.’
    â€˜When they’re less respectful,’ I said, ‘it’ll probably be best if you’re not around.’
    â€˜I wonder,’ Bing said, ‘if Red Stanley showed up, yet?’

    When we got back to the Sands Bing went straight up to his suite. It had seemed like a long day already, but it was only early evening. There was plenty of day left, by Vegas standards.
    â€˜We gotta get your car cleaned,’ Jerry said, in the lobby.
    â€˜We can do that later,’ I said. ‘I want to check and see if Danny called.’
    â€˜I’ll go to my suite, then,’ Jerry said. ‘I need a shower.’
    â€˜OK,’ I said. ‘I’ll call you later.’
    â€˜OK, Mr G.’
    â€˜I’ll have one of the valets get the car washed,’ I promised. ‘It’ll be clean next

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