His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1)

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Book: His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1) by TW Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: TW Knight
from neck to his well-formed ass, down his legs, and around his ribs. Even a few on his arms she hadn’t noticed before. Curiously, the ones on his back appeared to move with a life of their own, but it was difficult to see what they were from where she stood.
    At the same time Cassidy reached the edge of the sand, Rail emerged from the surf carrying two large fish that he deposited into a basket sitting out of reach of the breakers. Cassidy backed up, but it was too late. He’d noticed her.
    Embarrassed, but not willing to show it by leaving now that he’d spotted her, Cassidy waved and strode forward with purpose, keeping her eyes locked on his. "I guess we’re having fish for dinner?" She smiled, pointing at the basket.
    Rail shrugged. "I need to catch a few more. Have you seen how Boomer eats?"
    "You know, most people use rods or nets."
    Rail nodded and backed away a step or two. "I like the challenge."
    "Oh, well…you know most people also wear shorts." Trying not to look down, Cassidy waved in the general direction of his hips.
    He smiled knowingly, snatched a towel from the sand, and wrapped it around his waist.
    "Thanks." Cassidy shifted uncomfortably, hoping Rail would think the heated blush creeping across her cheeks was sunburn.
    "Are you enjoying your explorations?" he asked, swiping his dark, wet hair back from his face.
    Cassidy shrugged to appear nonchalant. "You have some interesting things here." It was difficult to keep the conversation light and airy when all she wanted to do was yell at him for avoiding her.
    "Yes, I suppose we do. Years and years worth." Rail wiped his hands on the towel, looking around nervously.
    Taking a step forward, Cassidy noted how Rail moved a step back. Like two magnets fighting each other. It was the last straw for her strained nerves. " Uggggg! I can’t do this anymore!" She plopped into the sand with a whoof and pulled her knees up, frustration overwhelming her.
    "What?" Concern rippled across his face.
    "Pretend that everything is fine." Cassidy released a frustrated breath. "Like I’m on a vacation or something."
    "You’ll get used to it. In time."
    "When? In a year? Two years? You don’t understand. I’m dying here!" She hadn’t meant to be so melodramatic, but it was too late now. Cassidy let out a long breath and punched the sand. "Emotionally, I’m dying inside. I can’t live like this. I’m not one to hide. It doesn’t help that you haven’t been around."
    Rail stumbled forward, dropping to his knees, looking at her in stunned disbelief. "But—"
    Cassidy ignored his interruption and gestured to the world beyond the crashing waves. "I need to be out there to live."
    "What exactly is out there that you are missing?"
    "Besides my family?" The bite in her voice made Rail wince. "I’m twenty-eight, Rail. I miss my friends. Interaction with different people. I miss being social. And yes, I miss my work. I had a career. One I was born for. I love the research. The hunt. The questions and coming up with the answers. I loved the mess of it."
    "I can’t let you leave." The chill in Rail's voice left no doubt, there would be no bending that rule.
    "I know, I know," Cassidy conceded, lowering her voice. "The whole ‘ monsters will hunt you down and eat you’ thing, but you can at least let me work. Give me a computer with Internet, and I’ll find things to keep me busy. I’ll do research. I might even be able to find the other Knights and possibly even the Aktura. Damn it, I need to do something."
    "Kaz will never—"
    "Rail, please. I need this and so do you. I know you can’t talk about looking for the Aktura without hurting. Hell, you probably don’t even remember our conversation on the barge." She shook her head. "But that doesn’t matter. I know I can help. I know I can find them."
    "I’ll have to think about it." Rail stood to leave, turning his back to her.
    Cassidy jumped forward and caught his wrist. "Let me talk to Kaz."
    "I don’t

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