His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1)

Free His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1) by TW Knight

Book: His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1) by TW Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: TW Knight
angel’s head from his shoulders and crammed it down his neck.

    Chapter Ten
    Four days.
    Cassidy tossed her half-eaten muffin into the trash and stared at her bed. Four days had passed since the morning she’d woken up with Rail in that bed.
    She couldn’t remember all the conversation they’d, had but obviously she’d said something to upset him. After Rail had returned with her coffee, he’d said a few quiet words of comfort and then vanished. Four days wandering around her new home and she had yet to find him.
    Giving herself a mental shake, Cassidy reprimanded the possessive little bitch who’d suddenly put in an appearance. Had she really expected him to stay with her twenty-four seven? Realistically, no. But his carefully orchestrated avoidance still hurt.
    At least, Cassidy thought as she dressed, she wasn’t bored.
    So far, she’d explored every unlocked room in the hall housing her room and the adjoining hall where Margarite stayed. She’d visited with the injured woman daily to give Tam a break. It was all too obvious to Cassidy; he felt guilty over the attempted suicide and had taken extra shifts to watch over Margarite.
    Cassidy shook her head. That wasn’t any of her business. She had enough to think about.
    Like Rail’s disappearing act.
    Drag me off to a secret island and then ditch me. Asshole.
    Frustrated, Cassidy decide to begin her explorations downstairs with the blue room. The entire building was a live-in museum, each room containing captured points in time; and she’d barely scratched the surface.
    A warm, fragrant breeze caressed her cheek and she glanced out the open French doors leading to the balcony off the back of her room. Taking note of the cliffs and the patch of beach in the distance, Cassidy decided to skip the downstairs exploration and explore the gardens and the beaches instead.
    Pulling on her borrowed sandals and pushing Rail out of her mind, she headed out the door.
    In time, her rambling walk brought her to a secluded beach where she found Seraphina sunbathing. "Hey," she called, not wanting to startle the other woman.
    "Hey, yourself." Seraphina waved back. Patting the towel next to her, she asked, "Want to join me?"
    Cassidy shook her head. "No, thanks. I’ve never been much of a sun worshiper."
    Seraphina laughed. "But you’re from Nevada!"
    "So?" She shrugged. "I was never into baking myself."
    Seraphina rolled her eyes. "What are you up to today?"
    "Just exploring." Cassidy gestured to the surrounding forest.
    "Well, be careful around the north cliffs if you get that far today. The ground there is really soft, and the rocks can be loose."
    "Thanks for the warning." Cassidy looked up and down the beach. "Uh, so which way is a good direction to go?"
    Seraphina propped herself up on her elbows. "Doesn’t matter; it’s not like you can get lost."
    "Not unless you want to," Cassidy grumbled.
    "What do you mean?" The other women sat up, wariness narrowing her eyes.
    "Have you seen Rail?"
    Seraphina relaxed immediately. "Not for a few days. He’s probably on patrol."
    "Yeah, you’re probably right. Would have been nice if he’d said something," Cassidy muttered, turning to leave. "Well, I’ll see you at dinner."
    Seraphina waved absently and returned to browning her skin. "Have fun!"
    Cassidy followed the shore, keeping it in sight when the path detoured into the surrounding vegetation. Maybe she could occupy her time cataloging the plants? There were tons she’d never seen before. She’d have to ask if there was a library; she doubted they would let her use a computer—too much temptation to contact the outside world.
    A shout of exhilaration brought her attention back to the beach. In a secluded cove surrounded on the sides by piles of rocks, Cassidy spotted Rail jumping the breakers. He wasn’t wearing trunks.
    Shocked and yet dangerously curious, she crept closer.
    His body was magnificent—hard, muscular, and deliciously tan. Tattoos covered his back

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