His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1)

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Book: His Soul To Keep (Dark Knights of Heaven Book 1) by TW Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: TW Knight
    "You don’t know what he’s like. His entire existence has been wrapped around keeping us hidden and the demons at bay. He doesn’t adapt well to the changes that directly affect us. I’d hoped finding his Aktura would mellow him, but…" Rail shrugged. "Why should I risk his wrath?"
    "Because I think this is what you, the Knights, need from me. I think this is what you want too." She released her grip on his arm and sat back on the sand. "And as weird as it sounds, I think this is why I’m your Aktura ."
    Rail looked back over his shoulder and let out a long breath. "Fine. But I’ll be the one to talk to him."

Chapter Eleven
    "I told you she was going to be trouble." Kaz slammed the book he’d been reading onto the desk so forcefully, everything jumped and a stack of files tumbled over.
    "Would you have preferred I’d let her die?" Rail leaned forward, resting his hands on the edge of the desk. "Oh, wait. Then the skratar would have eaten her soul and my soul. I’d be permanently dead, and you could go back to a life without anyone challenging you."
    "Aerieal…" Kaz’s warning tone reverberated through Rail's bones.
    "That trick of using of our God-given names may unbalance Boomer, not me." Rail kept his voice low and even, but let some ice slip into the tone.
    Kaz growled, switching to the Angelic language. " Does it escape you that she could destroy us? "
    "Nope, it hasn’t escaped my attention at all. Neither has her drive and passion. She can succeed where I’ve failed. She can find the other Knights and the—" pausing, he winced in pain— "she can find the Aktura ," he forced out. "I know she can."
    * * *
    Cassidy paced around her room like a caged animal and wondered if a person could wear a hole in the carpet.
    Rail had requested she wait. Ha! He’d all but ordered her to stay in her room until he came for her. He should have taken me with him to talk to Kaz. Cassidy fumed. She seriously doubted Rail would be able convey her passion and need to work on this project while diplomatically explaining why Kaz should give her computer access.
    And now that she knew they had an entire room of computers, she tingled with anticipation at the mere thought of getting her hands on them.
    With all this useless waiting, she might as well be at the DMV.
    Her nerves sparked and her skin itched like it was too tight. Her anxiety ramped up with every breath.
    Cassidy’s pacing came to an abrupt halt when a strange screeching echo assaulted her. It sounded like a flock of tortured birds. Oddly enough, she could almost make out words in the noise.
    Abruptly, the volume increased, cresting in waves, turning her stomach into a Cuisinart working on her last meal, making her head ache.
    While she was willing to suffer the indignity of not being allowed to talk to Kaz herself, she was not going to suffer the onslaught to her hearing a minute longer.
    Bursting from her room, bent on causing serious damage to whoever was responsible for her wanting to drive an ice pick into her head, Cassidy slammed into Gina. Stumbling backward, she gasped. "Oh God, Gina. I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?"
    "No." Gina smiled politely, obviously annoyed. "Where’s the fire?"
    "Do you know where that noise is coming from? It’s making me nauseous."
    Gina tilted her head. "What noise?"
    "Can’t you hear that racket?"
    "No." Gina shook her head, sending curls bouncing around her face. "I hear the birds and the ocean. Maybe you should have Tucker check you out."
    Cassidy worried her lower lip between her teeth. How was it possible Gina couldn’t hear the noise? "Yeah, maybe your right." Embarrassed, Cassidy said her good-byes and headed downstairs to find the reluctant doctor.
    The racket was much louder on the ground floor. Cassidy followed the sounds through the area she now referred to as the "Moroccan wing". Rail had mentioned this was the business portion of their home. Somewhere down there was the computer room,

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