
Free Rekindled by Susan Scott Shelley

Book: Rekindled by Susan Scott Shelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Scott Shelley
body with his.
    Finally .
    She was back in his bed, back in his life. And this time, she was
    Her hair fanned across his pillow, jet black on stark white. His
fingers traced patterns on her skin and toyed with the lace riding low on her
    On a low moan, she shuddered and arched against his hand. Then,
she rolled to her side, and with lips and fingers, brought him close to the
edge of his control. He tore the lace off her legs and removed his boxers.
    Need spiked his blood and shredded his control.
    He slid inside. Heat enveloped him. Her softness against his
hardness drove desire into a frenzied pace. Gemma's hands fisted in his hair
and her hips urged him on.
    Looking into the eyes of the only woman who'd ever mattered, he
sought to give her every pleasure, and rode out the wave of passion until she
tightened around him. Her release flung him into the most intense burst of
satisfaction he'd ever experienced. Adam claimed her lips as his heartbeat
slowly returned to normal.
    Gemma flowed into him until all his senses were full of her.
    Joined together, he felt complete.

    Gemma woke with Adam's arm wrapped around her waist and his warmth
lined up against her body. She turned her head and her lips grazed the
underside of his jaw.
    "Good morning." His mouth met hers in a kiss that
swirled sensation from her head to her toes.
    Soft whines and the sound of paws scratching against the door
interrupted the quiet morning. She lifted her head. "Bear needs to go
    "I'll take him and stay with him the entire time he's
outside." His lips quirked, then he dropped a kiss at the corner of her
mouth. "Be back in a few minutes. Don't go anywhere."
    She laid against the pillows, snuggled in the big, soft bed, and
listened to him talk to Bear as he headed down the hall. Unable to stop her
smile, she stretched and then hugged his pillow to her chest. Even the sunlight
pouring in the large windows shared her happy mood.
    A few minutes later, footsteps padded down the hall, accompanied
by a jangling collar. Bear trotted in at Adam's side and settled on the floor
by the foot of the bed. Adam held out her phone. "It chimed when I came
back inside. I didn't want you to miss anything important."
    She squinted at the screen. Several missed calls, plus a
voicemail, plus a text from her agent.
    As soon as you get this, call me ASAP.
    Adam sat beside her. "Everything okay?"
    Knowing he was thinking of his dad, she grasped his hand.
"I'd better find out."
    Liz answered on the first ring. "Great news. Lori MacDonald
backed out of  Starlight . She just found out she's three months
pregnant and won't be able to complete the project or its sequel. They're
filming both simultaneously. You were their next choice. So you're in. The
part's yours."
    "Are you serious?" Her heart beat like a drum. She
squeezed Adam's hand.  Two  movies.
    "I wouldn't be talking to you at four in the morning if I
    Gemma glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table and cringed.
"I forgot about the time difference."
    "Get yourself to the airport. I booked you on a flight
leaving at eleven-thirty. You need to be in Seattle by this evening. You start
shooting tomorrow."
    "But wait, that's hardly any time."
    "Things happen fast. I'll email you with all of the
details." Liz ended the call.
    "Oh my God." Energy filled her limbs. She dropped the
phone and hurled herself into Adam's arms. "They gave me the role. The big
role. Opposite Tyler Gregson." Clutching him tight, she blinked away the
tears streaming down her face. "Finally. This is the chance I've been
waiting for. And it happened two weeks before my deadline."
    "I could hear everything she said." His hands rested on
her back for a moment, then fell away.
    A million details raced through her mind. "I have so much to
do. Packing, printing out the boarding pass, calling my parents."
    She pulled back. The high-flying exuberance crashed to a halt.
Taking the role would take her away from

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