Anna's Heart (Wilderness Brides Book 2)

Free Anna's Heart (Wilderness Brides Book 2) by Peggy L Henderson

Book: Anna's Heart (Wilderness Brides Book 2) by Peggy L Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peggy L Henderson
him into another discussion about marriage and family again. Taking some of the mint the healer had left, he kicked off his boots and crawled back under the covers of his bed.
    Moments later – or was it hours? – Ethan startled awake, but his eyes remained closed to hold on to the images from his dream for a few moments longer. He moved his head from side to side and threw off the covers. Crisp air hit his sweat-soaked torso, cooling his heated body. He sucked in several quick breaths and wiped his hand across his damp face.
    He relaxed his head against his pillow. Images from his disturbing dream faded, but the memory lingered. His mother had called to him, begging him not to walk away.
    “Don’t make the same mistake again.” He’d turned to look at her. She’d smiled at him. Ethan had reached for her hand, but he’d been too far away. The more he’d tried to grasp for her, the further away she’d moved. She’d shaken her head, then had pointed at another woman next to her.
    “Don’t turn your back this time.” His mother’s voice echoed in his head, while pointing at the dark-haired woman standing beside her. Ethan had looked at her, confused. She’d raised her head. Anna Porter, with her sad eyes, smiling that soft, enticing smile.
    “Would you like some tea?” she’d asked, her words sounding hollow and far away.
    “Why are you doing this to me?” he grumbled.
    Ethan opened his eyes. He blinked, then frowned. Standing over him was the woman from his dream. Not his mother, but Anna Porter. She didn’t smile, as her eyes darted from his chest to his face.
    “Doing what? I heard you mumble in your sleep and came to see if you were all right. Would you like some tea?”
    Ethan groaned and shifted, then sat up fully in his bunk. He threw his legs over the side, forcing Anna to take a step back.
    “I made some meat broth, if you think your stomach is well enough to handle some nourishment.”
    Ethan ran his hand through his hair. He gritted his teeth and pushed his disturbing dream from his mind. Then he looked up at Anna.
    “I promise, I didn’t put anything unbecoming in the broth, or the tea.” She offered a tentative smile. Her face transformed instantly in front of him. Her soft brown eyes held a hint of hesitation, but there was patience and determination, and none of the wariness he’d seen the day before. Ethan blinked again to focus. What the hell was she trying to do to him, looking at him like that?
    “What do you want, Miss Porter?” he growled. “Did Harley put you up to this? You think you can sweet-talk me into taking you to Oregon?”
    She frowned and a spark of anger pushed aside the softness she’d shown a moment ago. Her hand shot to her hip. Her mouth opened, then she clamped her lips together. Her chest heaved when she inhaled deeply through her nose and she closed her eyes for a split-second. When she opened them again, the anger was gone, replaced by hurt.
    “I’ll ask your brother or Caroline to look in on you, Mr. Wilder. Clearly, your disposition hasn’t yet improved,” she said, her voice calm and even.
    She spun on her heels and stepped into the main room of the cabin. Without looking back at him, she pointed to the foot of his bed.
    “I found your dirty clothes in the barn. I know you don’t like anyone touching your belongings, so forgive me for having taken it upon myself to wash them, since I feel responsible for getting them dirty in the first place.” She pulled the curtain closed behind her with a swift yank and disappeared from view.
    Ethan cursed under his breath and sprang to his feet. Stars swirled in front of his eyes, and he swayed to steady himself, waiting for the dizziness to subside. Damn him for his impulsive rush to judge, and damn the woman for being so infuriatingly calm and genuinely caring. If she’d simply have a temper, he’d have something to latch onto and fight back, but her quiet demeanor left him at a complete disadvantage. There

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