Clash of Wills

Free Clash of Wills by S.G. Rogers

Book: Clash of Wills by S.G. Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.G. Rogers
you seem indifferent to my presence and you’re treating my servant like a prisoner!”
    A spasm of pain passed over Julian’s features, but quickly disappeared. “You’ll understand more fully when the queen arrives.”
    “The queen? Who are you talking about?”
    A sudden chill in the air made Samantha shiver. A woman of frightening beauty had appeared on the throne, as if by magic. Long silvery hair flowed around her face, framing preternaturally lovely features. Possessing riveting aquamarine eyes and a translucent complexion, the woman was the most exquisite creature Samantha had ever beheld. The gooseflesh on her arms rose. I’ve never felt so much evil in my life! With a quick intake of breath, she edged backward.
    “Welcome to my kingdom, Samantha.” The voice was powerful and melodious, commanding her to stay still. “I am Queen Aurora.”
    Aurora? Samantha shook her head, confused. But even as logic rejected the assertion, she couldn’t deny the woman bore a strong resemblance to the woman in the castle gallery painting. In addition, the medallion hanging from Aurora’s neck was the same strange five-pointed design she’d noticed in the painting and the tunnel archway keystone. “This is impossible.”
    “Isn’t it wonderful?” Julian beamed. “Her Majesty is our grandmother.”
    “Our grandmother died a long time ago. Even if she hadn’t, she would be an old woman by now!”
    The queen laughed, a brittle sound like falling icicles. “You’ve not been told the truth, my dear grandchild. My son never wanted you to know your ancestor is a snow demon.”
    A snow demon? As Aurora’s words sank in, Samantha felt dizzy. “But that would mean…”
    “You and I are part snow demon too,” Julian said. His eyes seemed glassy, as if he had a fever. “By banning magic in Paloran, Father hoped we’d never find out.”
    Aurora has possessed my brother somehow. He’s lost his free will. “This is lunacy, Julian! We’re not part demon. It can’t be true.” She blinked away tears. “I don’t know why, but she’s lying!”
    Julian regarded her with pity. “The only one who lied to us is our father.”
    “Why are you telling me this?” Tears spilled over. “Why did you being me here?”
    “Isn’t it obvious?” Aurora said. “It’s time for winter to return to Paloran.”

    Guardsmen tossed Wills headlong into a large cell. He slid across the smooth icy floor and landed at the feet of another hapless prisoner who gave him a sardonic smile.
    “Welcome to paradise, friend.”
    In no mood for humor, Wills jumped to his feet and launched himself at the clear, thick sheet of ice separating him from the dungeon corridor. His shoulder took the brunt of the impact, eliciting an involuntary groan. He tried stomping his way through the barrier, but merely managed to lose his footing on the slick floor. He landed flat on his back, losing his breath. Stunned, he lay there for a few moments until his cellmate helped him up.
    “It’s no use, I can assure you, but you’re welcome to try again when you’ve got a second wind,” the man said. “I’m afraid we’re stuck here for a while.”
    Unlike the throne room, no magic warmed the dungeons. Wills stuck his fingers under his armpits to keep them warm. “We’ll freeze to death before long.”
    “Nothing so easy. The cell is cold enough to make us miserable, but not cold enough to kill us.”
    Wills gave the well-dressed man an appraising glance. He has the look of a gentleman. He extended his hand. “Call me Joe.”
    “My name is Lord Nicholas, although I don’t suppose titles mean much in a dungeon. Nick will suffice.”
    The two men exchanged a handshake.
    “Why are you here?” Wills asked.
    “I dared object to Her Majesty’s nefarious plans. You?”
    “It comes down to the same thing, I suppose. Who is this monarch? I only met Prince Julian.”
    “Queen Aurora. She’s a powerful snow demon.”
    “A demon?” Horrified, Wills leaped

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