Musical Beds

Free Musical Beds by Justine Elyot

Book: Musical Beds by Justine Elyot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Justine Elyot
    They walked up through a pastoral idyll to the strangely named Leg of Mutton Pond, where they arranged themselves on tartan blankets and unpacked the goodies. Vanessa was ridiculously excited about having her friend and her lover together in a social situation, and she was full of rapturous exclamations about the beauty of the weather and the surroundings.
    “Where do you live, Ben?” asked Lydia as he unwrapped chicken drumsticks from some tinfoil.
    “Me? Oh, Wimbledon.”
    “Quite handy for Vanessa’s place then.”
    He looked up keenly, then his gaze switched rapidly from Lydia to Vanessa and back again.
    “I don’t know…is it?”
    Vanessa’s heart melted at his obvious conflict—he wanted to admit their relationship, but he didn’t know if she would approve. She saved him the angst.
    “Ben, I hope you don’t mind, but I told Lydia. Or, rather, she guessed. What with the somewhat alarming number of text messages I was sending and receiving last night.”
    Ben looked stunned for a moment, then his face lit up.
    “So we’re Official, then?” he asked.
    “Semi-Official. Lydia’s the only person I’ve told. I don’t know about you…”
    “Not a soul. Thought you wanted it kept under wraps.”
    “Well, you know what the orchestra’s like. Gossip Central. Lydia knows all about that.”
    “I do indeed.” Lydia smiled. “I think you make a great couple. I give you my blessing.” She grabbed a bottle of prosecco from the hamper and brandished it in a mock-toast to Vanessa and Ben.
    A couple of fallow deer wandered past behind the lovers, as if curious to know what the big deal was over by the pond.
    “A blessing! Did you hear that, Va—I mean, Ness? We are blessed.”
    “It makes a change from being cursed,” said Vanessa dryly.
    Ben hurried over to her on his knees and sat beside her, wrapping her in one of his long arms.
    “Look, I can touch you in daylight and we don’t shrivel up. Isn’t it amazing?”
    “Very,” laughed Vanessa, rubbing her nose against his, pressing their foreheads together.
    Lydia popped the cork on the bottle and poured the sparkling wine into three glasses.
    Almost at once, her phone rang.
    “Sorry,” she said, standing and going to lurk a short distance away, under a tree, while she took the call.
    “Wonder who that could be,” said Vanessa, with heavy irony.
    “You think it’s Milan?”
    “Five quid says she scuttles off to answer the summons.”
    “Oh, no. You think he’s got her on a string?”
    “She’s doing her best, but he’s a bugger to shake off. He hates it when people leave him rather than the other way around. Just can’t let it go. An ego thing, I suppose. These artistes…” She sighed.
    “Poor Lydia. Still, if she does rush off…” He tickled her under her armpit and breathed hot air into her ear.
    Squealing, she tried to fend him off.
    “Don’t you go getting any ideas, Mr Chancellor.”
    “But I like ideas. Ideas make the world go round.”
    “Thought that was love?”
    “Yes, and what about ideas plus love? What a combination.” He spread his arms wide, as if he’d come up with a unique invention he had to broadcast to the world.
    “Ben…” Vanessa laughed, despite her misgivings.
    “My joints aren’t what they were, you know.”
    Ben burst out laughing. “You sound like my gran. What rubbish! You’re as lithe and flexible as a much younger woman—more so, judging by some of the things I’ve seen you do in bed.”
    “Shhh.” But Vanessa was beaming, her cheeks hot with pleasure.
    Lydia ended the call and paced over. From the apologetic look on her face, Vanessa gauged that she hadn’t been far from the truth in her surmise.
    “I’m so sorry. I’ve got to head into town for a little while. If I can make it back here before you pack up, I will. Otherwise, I’ll call you and catch up with you later.”
    Vanessa pursed her lips. “Might one enquire for whose sake you are abandoning

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