Her Sweet Surrender: Billionaire Secrets - Book Four

Free Her Sweet Surrender: Billionaire Secrets - Book Four by Drew Sinclair

Book: Her Sweet Surrender: Billionaire Secrets - Book Four by Drew Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Drew Sinclair
irreparably. He stared back at her, his normally strong mouth hanging open but his eyes impenetrably hidden. He was struggling to mask the deepest, realest emotion he had ever felt in his whole life…
    Was this what they called love?
    The chopper ride to the small island was short, scarcely five minutes in length, but it was long enough for Suzy to feel as though an ice cold hand had wrapped itself around her throat. She was shaking uncontrollably and the oily perspiration of raw fear on her hands had a nauseating quality.
    That this could be it….
    She was just beginning to fall in love, for the first time, with the first man who had ever touched her deeply enough to connect with her true self, and now it was all going to be torn away from them. 
    She looked outside to the sea below. From the moment she had tried to help her friend things had only gotten worse.
    Quicksand. All of it inescapable, terrible, suffocating quicksand. The harder you try, the worse it gets.
    All of her experiences with Ruben, all of her cleverness, all her vain fencing with him to gain the upper hand and the bargaining of herself to get him to take them all her…all of it had just dragged them deeper and deeper down this accused rabbit hole.
    Candy had been right all along. Run. Just cut and run from the get go.
    Mayweather's world was a quagmire of thrilling sex and high risk adventure that only people like him could survive.
    They were bad news.
    Or was it the other way round? Candy in her inimitable way, had referred to her, Nadia and her mother as walking, human shit-storms ruining the otherwise perfect lives of three of the most successful men to ever inhabit the United States of America.
    Maybe it was her and Nadia who were the curse in all of this. Maybe Nadia was right just to run away from Clayton without a word. Maybe it was the kindest thing she could do for that beautiful man who had tried to fix her broken world.
    She turned her head to look at her friend and hardly recognized her. Nadia was staring down at the sea with a look of broken, terrified defeat on her beautiful pale features.
    Maybe there was more to figuring out this world after all than just IQ, because between them they hadn't done anything but screw things up royally despite all of their education, brains and cocksure attitude to life.
    Her friend looked back at her and instantly she saw it there in her eyes; they were feeling the same thing, thinking the same thoughts.
    End it now. Take this helicopter down in a ball of flame on that accursed rock of an island up ahead and drag all of these vile mafia scum to hell with them. Nobody would ever know it happened, nobody would even bother to look for them. The tragedy of their story would end right there and the those back on Big Island could return to their normal lives.
    Or would they?
    She watched as Nadia darted a look at the pilot. Her breath froze, her heart skipped several beats.
    Fuck, she's going to do it.
    The life that she would never have with Ruben Mayweather by her side, blowing her mind and rocking her world, flashed violently before her eyes.
    She had to stop this, but how?
    What would Candy do?
    Candy… where had she gone to? She had never left the plane.
    "We're almost there Nadia." She shouted desperately above the roar of the chopper blades. "This will all make sense so soon." There were tears in her eyes. Nadia looked back at her friend, frozen. She had been ready to make the leap, drag them all to their death, but the raw look of pleading in her oldest, dearest friend's eyes made her stop. She could sacrifice her own life, kill these Mafia low-lives, but not her friend. Not without her clear consent.
    No. Not yet. If there was a chance of making it out of there alive then she had to take it. Fight to live, struggle to survive until the last bitter moment even if it all failed in the end.
    She dropped her head and began to sob, loudly, uncontrollably. Would this pain never

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