Her Sweet Surrender: Billionaire Secrets - Book Four

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Book: Her Sweet Surrender: Billionaire Secrets - Book Four by Drew Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Drew Sinclair
included an office area with satellite connections to the rest of the world to guarantee full telecommunications access between the island and the rest of the world.
    There was a single guard outside the door.
    Pathetic. Candy sneered to herself.
    She checked her choice of weapons; semi-automatic pistol, taser, dagger, knockout darts.
    She selected the darts, after all, this was a hostage situation, not a war zone.
    She took aim and hit the tall man in the side of his buttock. He looked around in shock and then slumped to the ground. Another man appeared in seconds and a second dart put him next to the first one.
    Candy made ready to enter the office area. There was the sound of a brief struggle and by the time she got to the doorway the last guard was in a heap on the ground at Ruben's feet. Her calm, unbelievably cool boss was adjusting the cufflinks on his linen shirt.
    "Excellent work Candy. Good--" He stopped himself, almost calling her a good girl. "Good work." he said.
    "Not bad yourself Ruben, I mean… Mr. Mayweather." He had called her his good girl once before… just once.
    He looked at her with that crazy, sexy half smile playing on her lips that had always driven her wild. Why she had ever agreed to work with him was beyond her sometimes.
    He was a hopeless unattainable dream.
    "Ground floor. Main living area. That's where they're holding--"
    "The flight crew, security and domestic team. I know. There are four guards outside, I don’t know how many inside."
    He gave her a tiny smile of approval that sent a rush through her. She loved it every time and hated herself at the same time for feeling it.
    "Just three on the inside. Seven in total that we know of. What do you think Head of Security? Are you up for this?"
    She held up a selection of weapons for him and smiled.
    He smiled back but instead of choosing a weapon he leaned down and picked up the communications headset his guard had been holding.
    "Thanks Candy, but you know how I like to operate. Use the enemy's own weapons against them. Besides, we won’t need guns for this. Tie up these hapless b-movie goons and then watch and learn. This is going to be fun."
    It didn't take Candy long to bind and gag the three men and in the meantime Ruben had installed himself at his office command center. 
    "I have excellent samples of Mitch's voice." He said. "I'll make an announcement via their communication system in his voice. You be ready to enter into the living area via the hidden floor entrance once those idiots have vacated the area. Prioritize security staff first so they can man the doors and prevent re-entry."
    Candy nodded in awe. His absolute confidence was a turn on she couldn’t explain and she had never met a man like him in her entire life. If only he wasn't so screwed up in other ways.
    She headed to the underground entrance to the living area bringing a headset with her and soon heard Mitch Albstrom's voice in her ear. Through the slight crackle of the radio it was a perfect match.
    "This is Mitch. The mission is complete. We have Boyevik. Time to get the fuck out of here boys."
    "Huh? Mitch, what you talking about? I don’t see no chopper." A confused voice responded.
    "Don’t waste fuckin' time you moron, get the fuck out of there now. These rich pricks have back up on the way. We need to get Boyevik off this rock. I'm on the runway outside, now just fuckin' do it."
    "What about hostages?"
    "Fuck 'em. We got all we need. Over and fuckin' out."
    He sounded exactly like the hard nose, foul-mouthed New Jersey Mafioso.
    Candy heard the stamp of feet overhead, mixed with the cries and anxiety of staff.
    As soon as things had settled down she scrambled up and made her entrance into the middle of the confused hostages There were cries of relief from all those who knew her. Her face amongst them meant that things were going to be alright.
    "Get security free first." She barked. "Here, cut the cable ties with these." She had brought box cutters with her

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