
Free Stranger by Megan Hart

Book: Stranger by Megan Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Hart
him, and waited.
    I’ve heard horror stories about families being pressured into buying the best caskets and vaults, or being forced to make decisions hastily. Some other funeral homes operated like revolving doors, shuffling people in and out as fast as possible. Mr. Davis deserved my time, though, and he could have as much of it as he needed.
    “She hated that van,” he said. The baby against him peeped and he shifted it. A boy. I could tell by the baseball bat on his outfit. “Why would she want to die in it?”
    It wasn’t a question that needed an answer, but he looked at me like he thought I should have one. I tried hard not to gaze at the little girl on the floor, or the baby in his arms. I tried hard to just look at his face. “I don’t know, Mr. Davis.”
    Mr. Davis glanced down at his children, then back up to me. “I don’t know, either.”
    Together we planned a simple service. He gave me the clothes he wanted her to wear, and her favorite colors of lipstick and eye shadow. His son fussed and he pulled a bottle from a small cooler bag to feed him while we talked. I had Shelly take the little girl to give her some cookies and juice.
    It was only routine to me, but for him it was the end of life as he’d known it. I did the best I could for him, but Mr. Davis left with the same blank gaze he’d had when he came in. When he’d gone, I went down to the embalming room to see if Jared had returned with Mrs. Davis. He had. Since he wasn’t yet licensed, he wasn’t able to actually do anything until I was there to supervise, but he’d set up the table and our supplies, and turned on some music.
    He was quiet, though, when we uncovered her. Usually Jared’s full of humor and jokes.
    Nothing disrespectful toward the people we’re taking care of or anything. Just a generalized goofiness. Today he wasn’t joking, or even smiling.
    He stared at her. “She’s so young.”
    I looked at Mrs. Davis. Her eyes closed, her face serene, skin pale and no longer flushed with the rosy glow of carbon-monoxide poisoning she’d have had when they found her. “Yes.
    She’s my sister’s age.”
    Jared looked startled. “Shit. That means she’s my sister’s age, too.”
    He turned to the sink, where he washed his hands vigorously. His shoulders hunched for too long. I’d forgotten Jared hadn’t yet had to deal with anyone like Mrs. Davis. He’d been with me for six months, and though we’d had our share of deaths from disease and old age, and a few accidents, we hadn’t had any suicides. We hadn’t, in fact, had anyone younger than forty-five.
    When he turned back to me, though, he looked under control. “Ready?”
    “Are you?” I hadn’t done anything to get started. We weren’t in a hurry.
    “Sure.” He nodded. “Yes.”
    “Why don’t you tell me what we need to do first.” I offered this to remind him this was a job, no matter how disturbing it might be sometimes.
    Jared did, rattling off the steps of the procedures we needed to follow. But his eyes lingered too long on Mrs. Davis’s face, and he had to turn away a few too many times as we worked. I put a hand on his arm, finally.
    “Do you need to take a break?”
    Jared let out a long, slow breath, and nodded. “Yes. Want a soda?”
    “Sure.” I didn’t need a break, but I took one anyway.
    We both had cans of soda from the ancient machine I kept stocked in the lounge just down the hall. With its battered furniture and scarred flooring, it wasn’t the lounge we used for clients.
    Just a place for staff to eat lunch or kick back for a bit.
    Jared cracked open his can and stretched out on the worn sofa while I plopped onto a floral-print armchair with mismatched cushions. We drank in silence. From above I heard the faint pitter-pat of Shelly’s heels on the uncarpeted floor.
    “I guess we need some new insulation.” I looked up at the drop ceiling, then at Jared.
    He nodded, staring at his can. “Yeah.”
    “It’s really bothering you,

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