baby-you-know-you’re-the-one-for-me smile I had always received from Matt. I didn’t remember Matt laughing at anything I ever said.
    “Sorry. It’s habit.”
    “So Costco then? Is that it?” I said as I readjusted the seat back to my short legged setting.
    “Should be. We can get some clothes and toiletries as well as food there. This car is going to be stacked up pretty high. We might need to buy some of those things...the cords...
    I knew exactly what he was thinking about, but it was hilarious watching him struggle, waving his hand in the air, trying to force it out. His expression turned into a five year old, frustrated over figuring out the answer when the teacher called on you.
    “Bungee. Bungee cords,” I saved him.
    “Yes. Those.”
    I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. It was easy to forget he wasn’t human. If he only knew things from earth from watching Danny, no wonder he didn’t know about bungee cords. Wait a minute. I wondered.
    “Is Danny the only Special you’ve ever had?”
    “No. He’s my seventeenth.”
    “Really. Out of that many, of course Danny is the problem child.”
    “Not exactly. I was the Keeper for Orville Wright. That was a problem child.” He chuckled. “It took me three trips to earth to keep him from breaking his neck before he could finish his task.”
    “Wow! Really? That’s kind of neat actually. I bet he was a really nice guy. Adventurous and a pain in the butt, but nice. Guys were gentlemen back then.”
    “Not everyone was a gentleman but yes, he was and it was fun. As fun as it can be watching someone everyday, all day.”
    I caught his tone.
    “That’s sounds miserable, actually.” I didn’t want to get started on the negative so I changed the subject. “So what are you like? I mean, if you don’t mind me asking. What do you look like?”
    “I look pretty human. Very pale and blonde, we all are. Skin is almost translucent, albino.”
    “So, what, you just sit in offices up there and watch us on the TV or something?” I said, not sure if he got jokes or not.
    “Ha ha,” he said smiling and the breath left my body at how genuine and gorgeous he looked with that real smile on. I smiled back, happy to see he had some humor. “No, its not that elaborate. I can’t really describe it. We aren’t really anywhere, we just...are. No needs, no discomfort. Coming back to earth is always a shock, but it gets easier every time.”
    “How many times have you been here?”
    This was the most he’d talked, though I had only known him a day, I was going to keep him going. He looked amused. I guessed he wasn’t upset at my questions, not these anyway.
    “Three with Orville,” I reminded him I was listening.
    “Yes. Three with Orville.” He smiled at my remembering.
    Wow, that was a good smile.
    “Do they usually know who you are? What you are. Do you tell them or...”
    “No. Not unless it’s an extreme situation and we have no choice. We just do what we can. A strangers kind word or advice, a helping hand with something heavy, a question about directions that leads to something else. We don’t know until the time comes what the Special is meant to do nor what we are meant to do for them.”
    I couldn’t think of anything relevant to say after that. He was so selfless. This was his life? Making sure others fulfilled theirs? How old was he? Could he really be happy like that? He seemed to be. What a useless life I’d lead and look at him. This guy made me look like Dahmer.
    He looked over at me just in time to see my tortured expression.
    “Are you ok? What did I say wrong?” he said as he twisted in his seat a little to look at me better.
    “Nothing. You might want to put your seatbelt on.” I laughed a humorless laugh under my breath to cover.
    “What is it, Sherry?” he ignored my suggestion and probed further.
    “Are you happy? Living this way?” I looked over to see his eyes.
    I wanted the truth to my question.
    “I am what I

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