Obsession Down Under

Free Obsession Down Under by LAYNE MACADAM

Book: Obsession Down Under by LAYNE MACADAM Read Free Book Online
outside of Parkes. We can make a pit stop if you’d like, get something to eat, stretch our legs.”
    “Mmm, I could do with a coffee and a pit stop, but not necessarily in that order. I dropped off to sleep, didn’t I?”
    Her tone was apologetic, her face flushed from sleep.
    “Don’t sweat it, it’s no biggie, and you’re still probably getting over the jet lag,” he reassured her.
    “My God, what on earth is that?” she gasped and pointed as the huge dish that dominated the backdrop of the rolling landscape came into view.
    He chuckled. “It’s a radio telescope.”
    “But it’s gi-normous! Seriously, that thing must be a hundred feet or more across. What would you use something like that for?”
    “I guess the most famous would be the Apollo 11’s moon landing.”
    “No way. You’re kidding me, right?”
    “Nah, honest. The world watched Neil Armstrong take his first steps on the moon courtesy of that telescope.”
    “Ah-huh, unless you’re a conspiracy theorist. NASA asked for The Dish , as we Aussies affectionately call it, to be used in the mission.  Two other tracking stations also received signals, but the upshot was that the Parkes’ pictures were so much clearer, NASA stayed with them for the telecast, and Australia saw the moonwalk six seconds before the rest of the world.”
    “Wow, I never knew.”
    “Well, it’s ancient history now,”  he said as he pulled into a service station.
    They both got out and used the facilities and then had coffee and a snack before heading back to the car.
    “Would you like me to drive?”
    No fucking way. “Thanks, babe, but I’ve got it covered.”
    “You’ve been driving for hours, Whip, you must be tired. I’ve just had a nap. I’m happy to take a turn.”
    “Gee, ah, it’s a nice offer, Jessie Rose, but nobody drives The Beast but me. You just sit there and enjoy the scenery.” He held the passenger door open for her and waited.
    “The Beast?”
    “That’s what I call this baby.” He tapped the roof twice and slid his Akubra lower on his forehead. “There’s a lot of grunt under the hood. Eight cylinders, to be exact.”
    “Oh, and you don’t think I can handle it?” She squared her shoulders and her chin came up. The look she gave him was just shy of a glare. “I’m quite capable, you know, even if you do drive on the other side of the road.
    “I’m sure you are, and it’s not that. I just, ah, thought you’d, ah, rather take in the scenery.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke.
    Her raised eyebrows and tight lips had him thinking she was going to insist, but she climbed in. He closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side. Call him a chauvinist if you like, but no way was he going to be chauffeured around by a woman. Hell, he even disliked his brothers driving him. But when he was in The Beast, he was in the driver’s seat. End of story.
    As he engaged the gears, he was glad she hadn’t pushed the point and rewarded her with a grin. “All set?”
    “Yes, ready and eager,” she replied with a wink, and he set the car in motion.
    They settled into a comfortable silence as the road snaked in an endless obsidian ribbon over the undulating hills. They were heading for Dubbo, a large rural town less than two hours away where they would spend the night.
    The scenery changed the farther they motored, and the drought conditions became more obvious as they neared the city.
    “Is there anything special to see in Dubbo?” she asked as their destination came into view.
    “Sure, there’s the Western Plains Zoo and an old convict jail, both are worth a visit if you’re interested.”
    “Is there time for both?”
    “It’s your holiday, babe, there’s time for anything you want to do.”
    “I’m in your hands, Cowboy, wherever you take me will be just fine,” she replied as he turned into a motel just off the main street.
    The rest of the afternoon was taken up checking out the old jail

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