HeartStorm (HeartFast Series Book 3)
                Hunter sensed the slow crawl of dread overtaking her as she continued to think about it. About having to face the man who had deserted her. He reached out to place a hand on her knee. “He told us he's been searching for you for the past six years.”
                Her anger was quick to surface. “That's groll shit! He walked away! He just walked away and never looked back after he s−..." For a heartbeat her façade crumbled, but she quickly recovered. "What does he really want? What's his real purpose? Why is he looking for me? And why now?”
                “I can't fathom his reasons, but I can tell you this. The entire time he was giving us his story, I read nothing but deceit from him.”
                “Then why are you bringing him to Synaria?” Her anger increased, for which Hunter was happy to see. An angry StarLight was a formidable enemy. She wasn't mad at them for transporting the man. She was mad at the man for tracking her down.
                “Because I'm just as curious as you as to why he's after you. And because I want to stop this man in his tracks. I want to convince this guy it's time he stop hunting for you and go back to where he came from...unless you decide differently.”
                “I seriously doubt it,” she told him, a hard edge to her voice. Reaching out, she took the baby from her husband's arms and got to her feet. Hunter noticed something fall to the floor, and bent to pick it up. It was a white bootie, still warm to the touch.
                "I think you dropped something," he commented with a grin, holding up the lost object.
                Star snorted softly and plucked it from his fingers. "Thanks."
                Hunter followed her into the bedroom area where the incubator he'd seen in the medical clinic hovered on Star's side of the bed. She tenderly kissed the infant's forehead, then lay the child into the container. Closing the transparent cover, she turned around to face him. She had made a decision.
                “What did you tell him about me?”
                “Nothing. He knew you were a Guardian, but that was all. He doesn't even know who I am,” Hunter told her.
                Her eyes narrowed. “Then how did he find me?”
                “We have no idea. He hailed us at the SPF station as we were getting ready to leave. He asked... No, he commanded we take him with us. Terrin, take care. We'll have your back the entire time he's here. I'll always be beside you. You know that, right?”
                She walked up to him and pressed herself against his length. Hunter wrapped his arms about her waist, mentally noting how the large bump that had separated them the past few months was no longer there.
                “Promise me he'll never find out about Callie.”
                Hunter almost laughed. “Callie? What happened to Callaura?”
                She started to reply when the crystal at their throats sounded the little four note song he'd heard at the baby's birth.
                He chuckled. “Let me guess. Emma calls her Callie?”
                Star snuggled closer in reply. The contact, after months of celibacy, sent unwanted signals to his groin. Uncomfortable signals. Unconsciously, he wriggled his hips.
                “I told you I could take care of you.” To prove her point, she slid a hand down his thigh. He stopped her before she grabbed his lengthening erection.
                “Terrin, no. Not yet. Yes, I know you can give me release, but not in the way I want. I want to be inside your body, not your mouth, and not in your hands. I want to feel your inner muscles stroking me.” He pulled her away until she met him eye-to-eye. “I want to make love to you, and I'm

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