And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance

Free And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance by Annie Green

Book: And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance by Annie Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Green
stay here tonight if you like them so much,” he said with a smile.
    “I can? Wow, you must really like me.”
    “And why’s that?”
    “Because I’m not having sex with you and you’re still letting me sleep over.”
    “Janice, I can do all kinds of things while you’re still sleeping.”
    I shot him a glare as I sat up and grabbed my cake. “I’d call you a pig, but you already know that,” I said, closing my eyes as the chocolate melted on my tongue.
    “Good, huh?” he asked, as he took a bite of his sandwich, his eyes watching me intently.
    “Good? More like heavenly. Where did you get this?”
    “I made it.”
    “Stop lying, Adrian. You suck at it.”
    “I’m serious. I made it.”
    I studied his face, my eyes searching his until I realized he was telling the truth.
    “Holy crap. You did make this. Wow…”
    “Don’t sound so surprised. I actually love to cook.”
    “Since when?”
    “Since I realized it helped get me laid.”
    I sighed heavily. “I should have known. It always comes back to sex.”
    “That’s men. It’s what makes their world go round.”
    “And what about love?” I couldn’t help but ask.
    “What about it?”
    “Don’t you wish love made your world go round?”
    “I’ve never been in love so I don’t know what I’m missing I guess.”
    “Love is great. It really is.”
    “Even though when Craig left your world stopped spinning?”
    I frowned at his intuitive comment. “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but when it’s good, it’s really good.”
    Adrian bit into his sandwich, obviously in thought. I felt my eyes start to grow heavy.
    “Maybe I’ll give love a shot,” he said seriously.
    “Maybe you should, but there’s one problem.”
    “What’s that?”
    “You have to find some gullible girl to fall for you first,” I said on a yawn. “But that shouldn’t be hard. I’m thinking there are a bunch of empty headed females out there.”
    Adrian grunted as he finished off his sandwich.
    “I’m just going to close my eyes for a bit,” I said as I yawned once more.
    “Sure, yeah, okay,” Adrian said softly as the room slowly faded to black.
    I don’t remember anything else after that, but when I woke up, the sun was peeking over the horizon and I was wrapped around Adrian’s warm, half clothed body. And he felt so good that I didn’t want to leave.
    Then stay, stupid.
    Despite wanting nothing more than to stay put, I forced myself to leave. I needed to get out. I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. I didn’t want to get the wrong idea. So I snuck out with just one backwards glance at Adrian’s slumbering figure and kicked myself the entire way home.
    My phone rumbled next to me as I sat at Starbucks later that morning scouring the Internet for jobs. My townhouse was paid for thanks to years of saving my hard earned money as well as my parents, who felt incredibly guilty for ignoring me my entire life. So in return I got money when they thought of me, but even so, I couldn’t rely on them. I still needed a job, even if it was just part time.
    I glanced down at my screen and saw Adrian’s name pop up.
    I can’t believe you left me all alone this morning.
    I smiled as I typed back. I didn’t want you to get the wrong impression.
    I was already planning our elopement.
    I giggled to myself, causing a young girl to glance over at me in confusion. I bit my lip and replied, Where to? Las Vegas?
    I was thinking something a little classier. Maybe a courthouse or something.
    The Orange County courthouse is pretty cute.
    Done. When should we plan this?
    My heart fluttered at his flirting despite knowing it meant nothing.
    The point of me leaving this morning was so this WOULDN’T happen.
    You still slept with me last night.
    I slept next to you.
    And on me. Don’t think I didn’t feel you lying on top of me earlier.
    I slapped my hand across my forehead. Caught me. You just happen to be incredibly warm.
    I feel so used…
    Is that a bad

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