I Surrender
disregard the thought that is currently going through my mind that Jasper is a manwhore!
    “It’s not just sex Ava,” Jasper says intensely.
    “Oh my God, can you be any more cryptic?” I roll my eyes annoyed with his games. He looks deliciously sinful as he tongues his upper lip, like he is contemplating his next comment.
    “I have known Indie forever. We understand each other. We know where we stand on the relationship front and I’ve made it clear our future will not end in three kids, a white picket fence and a minivan. We comfort each other emotionally and physically.” He replies calmly, while running his hand through his tangled hair.
    I however flush when thinking about Jasper comforting Indie ‘physically’. I know a twenty two year old should not be blushing, but taking in Jaspers’ messy hair which is now sticking up in rebellious spikes, his perfect bow lips and that devilish body which naked would look perfect, a girl no matter her age can’t help but redden.
    Judging by the verbal bashing I received, I think Jasper needs to have another talk with Indie because her perception of their ‘relationship’ differs vastly from his.
    “Okay great, glad we’ve cleared that up, but why did you come here tonight to tell me this?” I want to know the answer, but I am afraid of his response.
    Jasper blows a breath through his wicked lips. “I wanted to explain this to you because I… just wanted things to be clear between us.” And again with the ambiguity.
    I roll my eyes at him yet again. This conversation is wasting my time and I attempt to get off the couch, putting an end to this pointless discussion, but Jasper quickly recovers.
    “Ava I know you don’t know me, but when I want something, I get it. I feel like there is something between us. I know you’ve gone through a messy breakup and I’m well complicated,” he smirks continuing, “but I really don’t want to pass up this opportunity of getting to know you better. Wherever that leads,” he shrugs, “no one knows. But if we don’t pursue it, I think we will both look back with regrets.”
    If someone told me Jasper would be sitting on my couch telling me he wants to uncover our something I would have laughed hysterically in their face. But here was Jasper, in my living room telling me just that.
    Jasper’s head is cocked to the side, his eyes searching mine. I didn’t realize how blue his eyes really were until now, because they are focused so intently on me. “Please tell me you feel the same, and I haven’t just made an ass of myself.”
    I take two deep breaths overcome with emotion. “Yes you’re right, but I can’t offer you anything more than friendship, you get that right?” I reply, wanting to stress the fact that I am in no way looking for a relationship with him or anybody for a while.
    Jasper nods. “I understand and I am happy with whatever you want to give. I just want to know what this ‘thing’ is between us,” he replies motioning between the two of us with his fingers.
    This is the first lick of sense my life has made since Harper broke my heart. I can do this, I can be Jasper’s friend.
    “One problem though, and that is Indie. She will not like us being friends, believe me. She made that point quite clear.”
    He frowns firmly. “You let me handle Indie.”
    “Okay.” I could do that. “So…what do we do now?”
    Jasper laughs. “Well what do friends normally do? Go get coffee, hang out, that kind of stuff. That’s all I’m asking Ava. I’m an artist, I like to explore then write about it. You never know, if you turn out to be as interesting as I think you are, there just might be a hit song about you.”
    I throw a pillow at him jokingly. “You most definitely will not be singing about me or our friendship.” This feels nice and normal.
    Looking across the sofa at one another, Jasper extends his hand for a handshake. His eyes are unreadable. “Friends?”
    I hesitantly move closer and slip my

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