
Free TietheKnot by Cynthia Rayne

Book: TietheKnot by Cynthia Rayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Rayne
    His cock jumped in excitement.
    In fact, excitement started
thrumming through his body, making his heart rate pick up, his knees wobble
just a bit. Maggie had come back to him. She’d forgiven him.
    And she’d come to give him the
punishment he so richly deserved.
    “Yes, Mistress.”
    She moved to the side and pointed
an imperious finger at him. “Now, I want you to bend over the foot of the bed,
drop your pants and boxers.” He undid his belt and his pants dropped, weighted
down by his wallet, keys and cellphone. He pushed his red boxers down and
stepped out of them, waiting to see what she would do. She walked behind him,
as though surveying her property. And he did belong to her, as surely as she belonged to him .
    She ran her hands over his ass
cheeks, stroking them at first and then squeezing them before she gave each
side of his ass a good swat with the paddle. It was just a love tap but it made
him hard as fucking steel.
    Christ. He had no idea that she
would come so far, so fast.
    She bent over and observed his
cock, which had hardened in response to her demeanor and the sexy little outfit
she wore. He wanted to kneel down and bury his face in her pussy. He hadn’t
been dominated in so long and the thought of her doing wicked things to him
sent his libido on overdrive.
    She ghosted her fingers over the
cock head and his hips bucked in response. He loved that she was drawing this
out, toying with him. He never knew this side of her existed, but he craved it.
    She walked away again and he heard
a rustling of paper behind him before she tossed The Washington Post classifieds on the bed. “Before I can administer your punishment, we have a few
housekeeping items to handle.”
    “Can’t we talk about this, um,
after?” There was only so much blood flowing in his body and right now it was
all headed south.
    “No!” She hit his ass. Hard. Fuck,
if it didn’t make his cock stiffer.
    “Pay attention.”
    “You have my full attention.”
    “Good boy.” She reached around and
grazed his cock again, just giving him a couple of fingertips instead of her
fist like he craved. She pulled back from him, all business once more. “Item
one, our living arrangements. You and I are both going to sell our apartments
and move into one that we choose together.”
    “This isn’t our home, it’s your home and you would feel the same way in my apartment. So, as a symbol of
starting our life together, we will pick a neutral place to live.”
    “Yes ma’am, I’d be happy to go
apartment hunting with you.” He hadn’t realized she’d been that serious about
finding a place together. Where they lived didn’t matter to him, as long as she
was happy. He wanted her…no, needed her in his life. In his bed. Forever.
    “Item two, your bondage chippies. I
want honesty from you.” She grasped his arm and turned him slightly to face
her. “Was it sexual? Did you have sex with them, Sax? I want the whole truth
this time. Not some bullshit evasion.”
    Christ, he felt like some kind of a
fool. He never should have resorted to desperate measures. He should have just
come clean to her right out of the gate. “No, of course not. I never had sex
with any of the women, I, er, played with them and discipline makes me feel
sexual. It aroused me and it was a way to get my rocks off, a tool I used to
masturbate afterward, but nothing more.”
    Her lips had compressed into a
tight, thin line. “And that is the whole truth?” She smacked the paddle on her
palm again. Irritated. And God help him, her anger was such a fucking turn-on.
It was hard to think with his brain and not his hungry dick. “Fine. It ends
here. Moving on, before we get too intimate, tell me, Sax, do you have any
other indiscretions you conveniently forgot to mention?”
    “No, that’s it.” And he was relieved
to get the proverbial cat out of the bag. It was killing him, lying to her.
    “Are you certain? Think carefully.
I won’t be

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