Becoming a Jett Girl (The Bourbon Series)

Free Becoming a Jett Girl (The Bourbon Series) by Meghan Quinn

Book: Becoming a Jett Girl (The Bourbon Series) by Meghan Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meghan Quinn
accepts you as Jett Girl, you will be gifted a new set, but with the same design.”
    I picked up the lace and was taken aback by the intricate design. The cups of the bra were low so they would barely cover my nipples, yay. There were suspender-like straps that crossed over where my stomach would be and connected with the panties, kind of like a garter belt. The panties were boy shorts that were cut high in the back so my ass cheeks would hang out just enough. Just looking at the lingerie I was turned on.  
    “These are beautiful.”
    “Yeah, let’s move on.”
    He wasn’t much of a sentimental or talkative guy…that was for damn sure.  
    He opened another door and revealed a marble-tiled bathroom with a giant tub, walk in shower and vanity that was fully stocked with makeup. I was in absolute fucking heaven.  
    He opened a closet door and said, “This is where you will find your masks and wigs. Masks are required when walking around the main hallways where you might be seen by members, which is in the main house. Wigs are only required during presentations. Like I explained earlier, we don’t allow for you girls to be known or seen, this is for your safety so you need to make sure you are always wearing a mask in the main house. Got it?”
    I nodded absentmindedly as I looked at the black masks that were lined in the closet. Some had feathers, some were encrusted in jewels, but each one was extravagant in its own making and stunning beyond belief.
    Kace walked out of the room and walked toward the door that led to the hallway.  
    “Tomorrow morning, breakfast will be brought to you at nine. We have some things to go over before you get a full tour of the main house. You are not to leave this room tonight, since you have not signed your contract yet. Once you sign, then you will meet all the girls and start your training. Dinner will be sent up shortly. Until then, enjoy the bed and get a good night’s rest. You’re going to need it.”
    I just nodded as I played with the corner of the comforter on the bed.  
    “Have fun banging your redhead. I hope she sucks you real good,” I said with a smile.  
    That brought a smile to his face, finally.  
    “I’ll let her know you said that. Good night, Goldie.”
    “Good night, Kace.”
    Once he left, I flopped myself on the giant bed and reveled in the way it sucked me all the way in to the mattress. I was one lucky motherfucker. After seeing everything that was offered to me, there was no way in hell I was going back to my old life. I would do whatever it took to be a part of this crazy Jett Girl experience because, right now, for the first time in my life since Hurricane Katrina, I felt safe, cherished and protected. I didn’t know who Jett was, but what he had done for me in the past hour was more than I could ever imagine.  
    He saved me and I owed him.  

Chapter Ten
    “Candy Shop”


    Kace: She’s all set. Will go over contract tomorrow.  

    I received the text message from Kace not very long after I saw him take Goldie up to her room. I was intrigued to know how she felt about the room I specifically designed for her, the art supplies I picked out, and the lingerie that I had especially designed to show off her best assets, her curves.  

    Jett: Do you think she will sign?

    The thought of Goldie not agreeing to the contract had floated through my mind ever since I drafted it. She was stubborn and proved to be difficult to rein in since it took over a week and a mugging to make her commit to coming to the club.  
    Thinking back, the last thing I wanted to do was to send Reggie over to take care of her, but frankly, I didn’t have any other options. I wanted her to be a part of the club and with the fucking rate we were headed, it was going to be Christmas before she committed to becoming a Jett Girl.  

    Kace: After watching her reaction to her room, no doubt about it. She’s hooked.

    I smiled to myself after reading Kace’s text. That

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