Kat's Karma

Free Kat's Karma by Cheryl Dragon

Book: Kat's Karma by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
no idea where she’d wear those fancy gowns, but that was part of the luxury prize. The cash prize was going in the savings account. The guys got their tuxedos and some suits as well.
    The fancy brunch was complete with china and crystal. Mr Foster and Lady Olive sat there sipping champagne among their guests. Kat and the guys sat down and ate well.
    “Was your fantasy successful, Ms Calvino?” Mr Foster asked.
    “It was a lovely week, thank you.” She smiled.
    “You earned it and so did your men,” Mr Foster said.
    “I’d like to thank Lady Olive for some excellent advice. This sort of relationship is complicated, but I think we can make it work.” Kat grinned at her guys.
    “We picked the right place,” Brody said.
    “You did,” Sean corrected.
    “I’m glad we were able to reward your good works.” Mr Foster nodded.
    “And it seems that we fulfilled all of your fantasies,” Lady Olive said with a smile.

    Six months later…
    A three-day weekend in bed wasn’t exactly the same as the Fantasy Castle vacation they’d had six months back. However, for Kat it felt every bit as good. No customs or long flights. Just great sex and togetherness without work or schedules interrupting them.
    Momentarily alone in bed, she curled her toes and scolded herself for ever letting them go in the first place. They were perfect for her and somehow made this family. Brody had never had much of a family and now they all had more than they knew what to do with. Sean and Brody had taken over more of Sean’s family business with his dad semi-retired.
    Their lives had come together and her sister was jealous. Two hot younger men who couldn’t keep their hands off Kat and if they wanted to watch sports or do a marathon of those gory video games, they had the basement decked out in full man-cave style.
    Footsteps in the hall told her the guys were coming. The aroma of deep-dish pizza reminded her of what she needed now. Food! Sean, in nothing but barely buttoned worn-out jeans, set down the massive box. Brody put down plates and silverware. She opened the box and carefully lifted out a stuffed piece of pizza.
    For a while the moans were about the food and wine.
    “Can’t get this in the castle,” Brody joked.
    “Probably not. Too messy to eat and so unladylike.” Kat picked up a string of cheese and dropped it in her mouth before licking her fingers.
    “You’re a tease,” Sean said.
    She smiled innocently. “Eating with my fingers?”
    “I think I’m ready for dessert.” Brody nodded.
    “Me too.” Sean kissed her mouth and pinned her shoulders.
    “Ice cream?” she asked.
    “No, you.” Brody spread her legs.
    Sean sucked on her breasts and sank a finger inside her pussy. Gasping, she loved how their sex play had progressed. No pretence or hesitation. They knew what she liked and as wet as she already was, another finger was soon in her future.
    The second finger slid inside her as Brody lapped at her clit. Moaning, she rocked her hips for more. Sean didn’t let up, spreading his fingers into a V shape before adding a third. She tried to grab one of their cocks, but both stayed out of reach.
    “Fuck me,” she said.
    “No, this is the time we’ll see how many times we can make you come.” Brody kissed her hips and went right back to lapping her inner folds.
    “Oh God!” she said.
    Sean finger-fucked her faster and faster. She grabbed the sheets as her hips snapped to meet his digits. The first orgasm was deep and subtle. She wanted more and thankfully they were in a very giving mood. Brody zeroed in on her clit again as she caught her breath.
    “Too fast,” she gasped.
    Sean chuckled. “Give in. Give us what we want.”
    How could she not? The intense release started behind her clit and the heat spread so fast she bucked and shook out of control. The men held her safely but didn’t let up. Fingers still worked her slit as both their mouths claimed her breasts and pressed her down with their

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