Holding On
have to wait ‘til later.” He pressed his nose against hers.
    “I suppose you’re right.” She pouted as she rubbed her hand against him. “We could go fast….”
    “You have no idea how tempting that sounds.” He kissed her again. “But it won’t do at all to have me falling asleep at the wheel while I drive to get Ella.”
    He stood up and Marienne snorted. He looked down at himself and laughed. “Hmmm. That won’t do either…but I think the cold air will probably take care of it.”

Chapter Eleven

    “Doctor’s orders.” Marienne came up alongside Daniel as he was getting ready for bed. She ran her hands down the front of his shirt, pausing before dipping her hand inside his boxers. He swelled in reply.
    “Remind me to thank your doctor.” He kissed her, his velvety tongue licking its way into her mouth. “Aren’t you supposed to be lying down?”
    “I was given permission for petting, remember?”
    “How could I forget?” He wove his fingers into her hair.
    “I thought maybe you’d want to get in the shower. I’ve noticed you have an affinity for it.”
    “I have fond memories of the shower. That’s where I first discovered sex.”
    “Really?” she asked, undoing his shirt buttons.
    “Yes, well, you know, it’s warm and private, and you’re actually supposed to be doing lots of rubbing.” He massaged her hip.
    She leaned her head against his chest, brushing kisses along his ribs. “How old were you when you made this discovery?”
    “Around thirteen. I started showering two or three times a day. My poor mum was afraid I was becoming some sort of germaphobe. It took weeks before I realized that soap and water weren’t necessary parts of the process.”
    Marienne smiled. Her fingers went to work, teasing their way down the length of him. Her palm circled his swollen head. A rumble sounded deep within his chest.
    She studied his expression. Eyes half closed, lips parted. She wished sex wasn’t out of the question, but she loved what her touch was doing to him. A slow, purposeful stroke drew a low moan from his lips.
    “Shower?” She kissed his neck as she stroked back to the tip. “Bed?” She kissed the hollow at the base of his throat. “Or should we stay right here?” She pushed him back against the marble vanity, feeling his legs tense as he braced himself.
    “I’d say it’s all in your hands.” His voice shook as she swiveled her palm again.
    “Hands? Interesting. Plural.” She reached down with the other and ran her fingers beneath his balls.
    “Mmmmmmmm.” His mouth was on hers before any words could escape. She sucked on his tongue as she stroked. Every time he was close she varied the speed gauging his breathing until she knew he was back in control.
    “You’re killing me,” he said, between kisses.
    “Well, we can’t have that.” She gripped firmer, the pad of her thumb brushing back and forth against his most sensitive spot. He expanded exponentially in response. His body was rigid, every muscle held taut, as she pressed against him, the anguished look on his face had gone beyond sexy into something otherworldly. And…now . The growl that tore through him echoed in her ear, sending waves of pleasure through her own body.
    “Good God.” He rested his forehead against hers, breathing hard. “You’re amazing.”
    Marienne giggled.
    “It’s not funny. You’ve ruined me for my own hand.”

Chapter Twelve

    The flower shop was filled with men picking up bouquets. Daniel checked his watch as he waited in line. He hadn’t thought about how many other people would need flowers on Valentine’s Day weekend; all he was thinking about was celebrating his first anniversary with Marienne.
    The florist noticed him. She smiled and waved. He’d become a regular, stopping in at least once a month to get a bouquet for Marienne and a single flower for Ella. Today he’d pre-ordered, and he was glad. The refrigerated case, normally overflowing with

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