Free EARTH PLAN by David Sloma

Book: EARTH PLAN by David Sloma Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Sloma
Watchers witnessed humans with entities attached to them harming other humans. They also found that many of the humans and other life forms had altered DNA, and had begun to spread around the planet. This saddened them greatly, and they knew their work would be much to restore the balance.
    But they knew they could not directly interfere with the humans as the Dark One and his servants were doing; to do so would make the Watchers just as guilty of violating the free will of the humans. The Angels had reminded them of that and even the angels would not cross that line.
    So, the Watchers traveled the Earth and observed, lingering for a short time for them, but a long time on the Earth.
    Eventually the Watchers departed and rose up through the shield again, not wishing to leave the Earth tangled up and trapped, and all of its creatures with the evil ones there. But it was the way of things for now. Perhaps, with the Watcher’s help, the tide would be turned one day. And they felt hope for this, as the Angels had said it would be so.
    Strengthened by this faith, the Watchers left the Earth’s solar system, bidding farewell and taking a moment to bask in the rays from the Sun once more before turning to the myriad worlds between there and their home planet.

    Time hadn’t passed much on the Watcher’s world when the scouting party returned. They relayed their findings to the rest of the Watchers, and it was agreed that it had been a successful mission and worth the risk to undertake it, for while the Watchers were very powerful beings, there were always those more powerful out there, as evidenced by the Angels they had met. And not all of the powerful beings were on the side of good.
    The Watchers planned to continue their task of restoring the DNA of the humans and got back to work, once more with their full capacity.
    Months had passed since the ship that was returning from Earth to the Watcher's home world had made the new humans. They had been growing well in their incubators, and the ship was excited to show their progress to the Watchers. Also, the ship had a full sampling of life forms from Earth and that would be exciting, too, to bring home and show its masters.
    The ship reached the edge of the system where the planet of the Watchers resided. Though the Watchers existed most of the time in their energy bodies, they still liked to have a physical home base, as they could become denser, physical beings any time they wanted to. And sometimes they did, just to sample the physical pleasures from time to time. Their planet was a paradise not only to energetic forms but to physical forms, too.
    Since the ship was close to home, it shut off its cloaking device, revealing itself fully to its masters. The Watchers, of course, could track their ships at any time, cloaked or not, but it was standard procedure to reach home base uncloaked when not being pursued, and the ship was not under any attack.
    The ship docked and was met by robots from the home base who began unloading the samples of Earth’s life forms. The ship had its own robots unload the new humans and deliver them right to the laboratory of the Watchers. It’s cargo was placed in quarantine for a time, until the extent of the tampering to the life forms could be determined, and it was ensured that no risk was posed to any other life forms on the Watcher’s planet.
    The Watchers were most impressed with the samples returned from Earth and praised the ship for a job well done. They were particularly impressed with the newly created humans. The ship was very relieved that its masters were pleased, and it enjoyed their praise.
    The ship gave the Watchers a thorough explanation of the methods used to produce the new humans and told of their progress. The Watchers gave the new humans close medical examinations. It was found that the humans were healthy, and their DNA was intact, still free from whatever problems the Greys had tried to insert

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