Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1)

Free Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1) by Drucie Anne Taylor

Book: Rough: Daunting Temptation (Coral Gables Series Book 1) by Drucie Anne Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Drucie Anne Taylor
Tags: General Fiction
holds out her hand.
    "Ten bucks he won't," I grin and we shake hands.
    "What are you two on about?" Thalia asks as she sits down next to us.
    "Oh, Cami and I just made a bet. Delsin Rough asked her out to dinner, she declined, and now I am certain he's going to show up tonight to pick her up," Hailey explains.
    "Oh, I see. I'm in. How much?"
    "Ten bucks each. What's your guess?" I want to know.
    "I say he'll come round," Thalia giggles.
    "Why do you always have to team up against me?" I smirk.
    "Because we can," they shout in unison, and then we all start to laugh.
    "By the way, tomorrow Cami also has a date with Ethan," Hailey tells Thalia.
    "And you can't keep your big mouth shut," I scold her playfully and frown.
    Hailey holds up her hands in defense as she tries to stifle a new burst of laughter.
    "Isn't Ethan the hot guy from your chemistry class?" Thalia asks.
    "Yeah, that's him." Once again, I list his assets. "We're only meeting to study for my exam, though."
    "That's what they all say," Hailey blurts and giggles.
    I punch her arm playfully. "You are such a bitch. I swear I’m only meeting him so we can study, otherwise we wouldn't meet in the library, would we?"
    "How about another wager?" Thalia chimes in.
    "What do you want to bet on now?" Hailey and I ask, echoing each other.
    "Don't kill me now, Cami," Thalia stalls. "Promise."
    "I'm not going to kill you if it's not about my virginity," I concede patiently.
    "Alright, then forget about it."
    My eyebrow shoots up. "You wanted to bet on me losing my virginity by the end of the term?" I guess.
    She shrugs. "Yeah. It has to stay a little exciting, doesn't it?"
    "I don't believe it. You can count yourself lucky that I've heard that one before, or else I'd be mad with you now," I grin.
    Thalia shows me her most charming smile. It is the kind of smile that makes her eyes sparkle and that gets her every guy she wants. "I know."
    I lean my head on her shoulder. "I'm pretty sure I'm going to win this bet. If he hasn't shown up by eight, I get your money, because that is the time he said he was going to pick me up," I announce. Then I get up. "I've got to be at my next class. See you tonight, my darlings." I sling my backpack over my shoulder, throw them a kiss each, and start walking.
    I really hope Delsin is not going to show up, for I cannot afford to lose money now. Part of my budget went into that dinner I cooked for Ave and Delsin. Sure, I can eat in the cafeteria, but I also want to go out from time to time. And that can get expensive.
    My last class for the day is over. I am tired as I start my way home. I walk slowly, enjoying the sunshine. I'm looking forward to a hot shower and my comfy sweater. Then I will eat something, read a little bit and go to bed early. That is my usual routine when I have classes the next day, but I'm okay with it. After all, I have come here to learn things, not to get drunk, get laid and waste my time. Dear god, is it possible to sound a tiny little bit more grown-up and less stupid? I finally want to have sex, and I thought I wanted to have it with Delsin, but he ditched me, even though he was the one who kept taking the initiative and kissing me. I ought to go out and look for a handsome guy who likes me and whom I can like, so I can finally experience my first time. Really. I would love to have a boyfriend, a guy I could trust. Not a friend like Avery, but one I can become intimate with. I somehow long for that.
    By now I feel torn between what my head and my heart have to say. My head says I ought to be careful and not let Delsin Rough get too close to me. My heart, however, tells me to give him a chance, because he might be the right guy after all.
    "Hi, Camille. Long time no see," Ethan says. He is suddenly walking next to me.
    "Hi, Ethan. Did you have classes until now, too?"
    "Yeah. A math class that was particularly tiresome," he explains. "Are you on your way home?"
    I nod. "I am."
    "How about going out for

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