My Fake Relationship

Free My Fake Relationship by V. R. Knight

Book: My Fake Relationship by V. R. Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. R. Knight
like that? Something was going on. Damn, why won’t he tell me?! Ugh I hate him! I guess we are done. I’m not talking to him. If he wants to be this way then fine, he can, but I’m not taking it! Forget him!

Chapter 15
    When my mom got home, that night, she came into my bedroom to see how I was.
    “Olivia,” she whispered.
    I looked up from my homework my eyes sore and tired.
    She smiled. “You should be in bed.”
    I smiled a little.
    “So should you.”
    She nodded her head and laughed.
    “I’m just about to.”
    I put my head back down in my books.
    “Olivia is something wrong?” Mom came into the room and looked at me; worry in her eyes. She could always tell when something was wrong. I pulled off my reading glasses and set them on the night stand.
    “Zane and I got into a fight.”
    “Aw honey,” she said and gave me a hug. I almost broke down but I decided to say strong. She pulled back and gave my shoulders a squeezed. “It’s ok. Things like this happen in a relationship. It happens every day. You just got to stick through and eventually things will work its way out.”
    I smiled. But it’s a fake relationship mom. Zane doesn’t really like me and I…..I’m still not sure. But he wouldn’t want me anyhow! And besides, we can’t get along
                                “He’ll come around” she whispered.
    I sighed.
    “Sure mom when pigs fly”.
                                “You’re probably right.” she smiled.
    “Yeah, thanks mom.”
    She smiled and kissed my forehead.
    “Night sweetie.” She left my room shutting my door. I looked out my window at the stars and smiled. I coughed which surprised me. Great I was probably getting a cold.
    “Ugh, mommy!” I called; my nose stuffed up. My mom rushed into the room.
    “Oh what’s wrong?” she asked. She put her hand to my head.
    “You have the flu I think. I’ll call the school.”
    I smiled.
    She nodded.
    “Your father is coming home tomorrow.” She said shutting my curtains. Her voice was shaky but brave.
    “Why don’t you go take a hot bath I’ll come and get you when your soup is ready?”
    I smiled.
    She left the room but popped her head back in. “Oh and the meds are in the cupboard above the sink.” I stood up and got my clothes together then filled in the big tub with all sorts of bubbles and soaps to make your nose open up and laid in it.
    After I took my bath I forced a whole bunch of pills down my throat wanting to feel better again. Mom made chicken soup and I carried millions of blankets into the den and found a comfortable spot on the couch will a big bowl of hot soup. I turned on the TV to watch the Twilight Zone all day.
    A call came later and I thought maybe it was dad but mom came into the living room a smile on her lips.
    “It’s Zane.” she whispered.
    I narrowed my eyes at the phone held in her head.
    “Here” she handed it over to me.
    I took the phone and turned it off.
    “Olivia!” she yelled.
    I rolled my eyes.
    “Mom, Zane was a jerk to me. I’m not giving in that easily.”
    She sighed.
    “OK fine, it’s your decision.” She walked back out and into her office. He called 5 times that day. Every time I picked it up, he tried to say he was sorry and not to hang up. The last time I almost talked to him but didn’t. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep.
    The next morning I was feeling a lot better! Mom still made me stay home though. I sat on the couch in my black and purple PJs with my hair in a messy bun. I was watching Tom and Jerry, eating a bowl of cereal. I usually did this on Sunday mornings but it had been busy for a while. The phone rang in mom’s office so I didn’t bother getting up.
    “Mom, phone!” I yelled. I heard her answer it. I turned the TV up and sighed. My mom came out of her office a couple minutes later trying to hide a

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