The Great Wolf: A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel Book Three (The Legacy of Kilkenny Saga)

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Book: The Great Wolf: A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel Book Three (The Legacy of Kilkenny Saga) by Devyn Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devyn Dawson
pack name on one side and the Celtic
Tiquertra with a wolf’s head on the other.  There are two coins, one for each
competitor of the Seeker.  “Hey, we need to go inside and make the
announcement.  Pru, you and I will talk after the meeting.  Oakley, I’m sorry
man.”  It isn’t as though I can tell him about the vision Quinney had, or he’d
not let her out of his sight.
    “I’m good,” Oakley says as he opens the door to the room.
    The pack is anxious to find out who’s going into the arena. 
I take Pru’s hand into my own and we hold up our coin with the other hand.  A
few mini-gasps go throughout the room; they’re soon drowned out by the sound of congratulations from everyone else. 
    My parents are leaning up against the back wall with worry
written all over their faces. 
    One by one, each member stopped on their way out, to give us
a word of encouragement or advice.  The rest of the night is reserved for Pru
and I to run together and go over our plan of survival.
    “Did you get any sleep?”  Pru asks.  She came to the room
early to have a private breakfast with Oakley. 
    I shake my head no.  “I’ll be fine,  Sapphire and Parker are
waiting to go down with me.  Enjoy breakfast. ”  I wiggle my eyebrows up
and down at them.
    I watched a movie called The Green Mile, a year or so
ago…the walk to the elevator reminds me of the movie.  Walking the walk to the
executioner after serving time in prison on death row must feel like this. 
Sapphire is talking to Parker and it reminds me that life goes on, with or
without you.
    We had breakfast catered so the pack could eat alone.  I’ll
miss seeing Brianna before I disappear into a maze filled with death defying
    “Any news about Kane?” Bryon asks me.
    “No, why?”
    “I don’t know, Dolly has been talking with his wife for the
last thirty minutes.  I thought maybe they’d heard something.”
    “You’re aware of how she is when she’s nervous, she likes to
talk.  I’m sure his wife is losing her mind.”  I reach for a pair of tongs and
pick up a giant sticky cinnamon roll.  “Carbs, my favorite.”
    Bryon pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and sets it
in front of me.  “Here’s a note from Brianna, she asked me to give it to you
this morning over breakfast.”
    My wolf nods in approval. 
    “Oh, you can’t read it in front of anyone,” Bryon demands.
    “What?  Why?” 
    “She’s a girl, that’s why.  She came over to me and talked
to me in that cute, hard-to-understand-at-times accent and told me not to let
you read it in front of anyone.  I’m passing the 411 to you, now if you don’t
mind, I’m starving.”
    “You’re aggravating.  Her accent is cute isn’t it?”  I smile
to myself as I imagine her talking to me.  Here comes my mom, she’s crossing
the room towards me.  It’s like her to want a hug and give me a pep-talk.  This
morning, she’s trying her best to hold it together, unsure if I’ll make it out
of the game alive.
    “Abel, don’t do anything to show off.  I know you have all
of those fancy abilities, but don’t get yourself killed.  Don’t let Pru die
either,” she reaches up to touch the side of my face.
    “Mom, I won’t show off any of my fancy abilities,” I tease
    “I’m serious, son.”
    “Mom, don’t fret, we’ll be fine.  I love you.  Pru and I
will see you soon.”
    “I love you too, Abel.  Be good.” She gives me a quick kiss
and I walk her to the door so she can go to the parents waiting area.
    I stood at back of the conference room and watched my
friends eat their breakfast.  It’s hard not to think, soon, I’ll be their
alpha.  Everything will change the moment I accept the destiny of the wolf.  So
much of the werewolf lore is tied to Ireland, in fact, I’m drawn to stay here. 
I’d never leave Oklahoma, or my pack, but something is calling to my wolf. 
I’ve tried to ignore it by saying its Brianna

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