The Great Wolf: A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel Book Three (The Legacy of Kilkenny Saga)

Free The Great Wolf: A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel Book Three (The Legacy of Kilkenny Saga) by Devyn Dawson

Book: The Great Wolf: A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel Book Three (The Legacy of Kilkenny Saga) by Devyn Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devyn Dawson
being a Great Wolf to win, it takes being the one who can make it through the
obstacles without dying.  Oh look,” I say and point to a flag.  I reach for the
flag in one swift movement, securing it with the other eight.  I turn towards
the Canadian in time to see he’s not as confident as he was one minute ago.
    “You asswipe, you stole my flag!” He shouts behind me.
    Don’t listen to him, he’s pissed off because he knows he
can’t beat you.   I tell myself.  Someone is screaming, I look around to
figure out where the screams are coming from.  Another scream, only this one is
high-pitched and scared. 
    “What, you can’t handle a little screaming?”  He chides at
    “What’s your problem?  Someone’s hurt!” I shout.  My wolf is
trying to pinpoint where the screams are coming from.
    “You’re a dumbass if you turn around for some pansy wolf who
can’t make it through an agility course.  See that up there?”  He points to a
flag.  “That makes number 9 for me; I guess you’re not so great after all.”
    Screw him.  Another scream, louder than the first two,
fills the air. 
    “Some things are more important than a gold medal,” I say
and turn around to run back towards the screaming.  No sooner do I turn, an
arrow zips past me and into the Canadian.  I flip around in time to see his
eyes grow wide and his mouth opens to say something, but he tumbles to the
ground instead.  His breathing is labored as he flails back and forth in pain.
    I race over to him and assess his wound.  The arrow is
straight through his chest.  There’s no way he’s making it out of here alive. 
“Hold on, a medic will be here in a second.”
    It doesn’t matter, the injury is too bad for his wolf to
survive.  The light goes out of his eyes as they stare off with a blank gaze.
    Damn you!  I have no idea what else to think.  It
could have been me if I hadn’t turned around when I did.  The cries have
stopped.  The competitors who’re left are headed my direction. 
    The medics appear out of nowhere and I force myself to run
away and win the competition.

Chapter 7 Going for the Gold
    “You’re convinced this is the right thing to do?” Dolly
    We’ve been talking to Quinney for the last hour, going over
the visions he’s been having.
    “It’s the only thing to do.  She and I make a good
team.”  I reply. 
    “Okay, let’s go talk to the pack,” Dolly pulls me in for a
hug.  “You’re going to be great.  You and Pru will make our pack proud, I have
no doubt.”
    “Thank you.”
    The conference room is once again the meeting place. 
Someone spots us and our presence is brought to everyone’s attention.
    Across the room I see Oakley, Pru, Shaynie and Bryon.  I
walk over to the four and ask them to come out into the hallway with me. 
    “Hopefully I won’t hurt any feelings; I had to make a
decision that will work for the pack.  It isn’t something worth dragging out. 
If someone died in front of me on the agility course, the seeker course is
going to be more dangerous.  Bryon and Oakley, you won’t be going in with me.” 
    Oakley has on his poker-face, but his body language says
he’s not happy. 
    “I’ve decided to take Pru with me.”  I stand tall to back up
my conviction.
    “She’ll be too distracted guarding you, leaving her
vulnerable,” Oakley growled.
    Pru turns to him and punches him in the upper arm.  “I’m not
an idiot, Oak!  Abel, we’re going to kick some serious ass!” 
    Without warning, she pulls me into a bear hug.
    “To be honest with you, I’ve been trying to find a way to
discourage you from taking me, so I’m relieved,” Bryon admitted.  “Not that I’m
a wuss or anything…”
    “Don’t worry, no biggie.  Of course you’re not a wuss, I’d
never have considered you if you were.”  I reach in my pocket and pull out the
Pack Coin.  It’s a silver coin with our

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