The Great Wolf: A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel Book Three (The Legacy of Kilkenny Saga)

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Book: The Great Wolf: A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel Book Three (The Legacy of Kilkenny Saga) by Devyn Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devyn Dawson
that my wolf is drawn to, but
it’s more than romance that’s pulling me.
     Everyone is busy eating so I sneak out to the hallway to
read my note. 
    I know this is silly, but I wanted to wish you luck in
the Seeker event.  No matter what, be careful.  You’re so different from what I
expected.  You’re warm, funny, and I think you’re going to do awesome.  Don’t
forget, clothes are hidden throughout the game so when you shift back to human,
cover up!  LOL
    In all seriousness, thank you for taking me out and for
being you.  I think you’re pretty great already. Be safe.
    Your friend,
    My friend Brianna, I say over and over to myself.

Chapter 8.  The Game
    When I was a kid, I’d play hide and seek with my sister,
Allie.  She earned her nickname Allie-Cat by the way she would hide in peculiar
places, typically somewhere up high.  When I’d find her, she’d look down on me
as if she was a predator and I was her prey.  Even the way she moved was cat-like. 
We’re wolves who’re going into an arena, but we need to think like predators. 
Who else to mimic, than the panther or other type of large cat?  They’re
calculated with every move they make, and that’s how Pru and I need to attack. 
    I’ve had the chance to see almost everyone compete and most
of them are fast and go for the gold no matter the risk.  That type of thinking
will either get them killed, or cause them to make mistakes.  It makes me
recollect what happened to the competitor from Canada.  He would be alive if he
hadn’t been greedy.
    After a moment’s hesitation, I take Pru’s hand and walk with
her to the starting gate.  Nervous tension is vibrating through the air as
everyone gathers to the starting area.  My nerves are uncommonly calm.
    “You ready?” I ask.
    “I got this,” Pru replies.
    “ Prudence, we’re going in as a team, we’re coming out as
a team.  Don’t forget,” I think to her. 
    She started to say something, but the announcer’s voice
boomed overhead, telling us to check in.
    “Oh Abel, you know I’ll save your ass, I wouldn’t leave you
behind,” Pru teases out loud.
    “Nice, okay little Miss Pru, we’ll see who’s saving who.” I nudge
my shoulder into her.  I hold the double door open to the check-in building and
do a double-take as I see her .  Brianna is putting on her competitor
bracelet that we have to wear when competing.  “Brianna is here,” I state the
    “Wow, did she tell you she was going to be considered?”
    I stare off into the distance and shake my head no.  “It’s
all strategy.”
    “Seems as though you’re going up against your girlfriend,”
Pru said.
    “She’s not my girlfriend; she’s been showing me
    “So you see better with your tongue down her throat?”  Pru asks.
    “Yes, it’s all the craze.”  I glance over at Brianna, hoping
she isn’t listening to my conversation.  Her lips curve up in a half-smile;
obviously, she is listening. 
    I follow Pru to the Phelan Pack table.  It’s where we pick
up our survival backpack filled with various items we’ll need if something goes
wrong.  It has a couple of military issued MRE’s for us to eat which isn’t my
favorite.  Nothing like a meal ready to eat in a camouflaged plastic
bag.  Each MRE has a main course, snack, instant coffee with a little heater
thing to make it hot, and waterproof matches.  They’re hit-or-miss on edible or
not, but they’re filled with calories, which we’ll need to keep our wolf
energized.  Each team is given a map of the wooded areas along with an
emergency beacon and a burner phone to check in with our pack.  If we set off
the beacon, it will take us out of the contest. 
    The final item we’re handed is a small amber colored vile. 
The alchemist handing out the potion has a small yellow rose tattoo on her
wrist.   She’s a part of the Rosicrucian Provincialis

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