Logan's Redemption

Free Logan's Redemption by Cara Marsi

Book: Logan's Redemption by Cara Marsi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Marsi
any of your business.” She frowned. “What are you doing here so late?”
    He moved into the room. “I wanted to get a head start on the Fisher proposal.”
    He stood close, too close. “You look sexy in that black dress.” He gently brushed back a tendril of her hair and skimmed his thumb along her cheekbone. “But you look sexy in anything.”
    The huskiness of his voice and the roughness of his skin against her sensitized flesh sent pleasure jolting through her. The heat of his body seemed to reach out to her, warming her all over. Anxious to escape the temptation Logan offered, Doriana pulled away and headed for the door.
    He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “So beautiful,” he whispered. He bent his head and kissed her lightly on the lips. Doriana held her body rigid, refusing to respond.
    Logan’s lips moved expertly over hers, drawing her despite her resolve. Unable to resist his erotic pull, she pressed closer and opened her mouth to him. His soft moans made feminine pride surge in her.
    Footsteps and raised voices penetrated Doriana’s brain. The sound of a vacuum cleaner cut the quiet and destroyed the sensual web Logan wove with his mouth and his tongue.
    She pushed away from him. They stared at each other, their breathing ragged.
    Doriana rubbed her mouth, as if she could rub away the memory of Logan’s hot kiss. She turned and strode swiftly from the office. She knew Logan was watching her. She ran her tongue over her lips, tasting him. It would be a very long night.

    Logan leaned over Doriana and studied her computer screen with her. The fresh scent of roses wafted from her glossy black hair. He itched to lift the heavy fall of hair and kiss the back of her neck, to discover if her skin there was as soft as he remembered. Pressing his palm on the desk, he leaned closer. She stiffened and he knew she felt the heat that pulsed between them.
    “Do you see what I mean?” she asked, her voice a little breathless. “These figures are all wrong.”
    Logan smiled. Despite their hot kisses earlier in the week, Doriana had tried to keep her distance with cool professionalism, but whenever she spoke to him her voice held a husky tone and she averted her gaze from his.
    Reaching across her, he traced his finger over the lines on the screen. His hand lightly brushed the silky strands of her hair and he heard her sharp intake of breath. Her mind wasn’t on the chart any more than his.
    “You’re right,” he said, trying for coolness. “There’s something wrong. Another Franco screw-up?”
    She nodded, still not looking at him. “We’ll have to re-do all the figures.”
    “I can come in tomorrow,” he said.
    The next day was Saturday. Was he the only worker in the country who dreaded the weekend? No Doriana to look at and talk to, and flirt with. Lonely hotel rooms got old quickly, especially when his dreams were peppered with visions of a chocolate-eyed beauty who had never really belonged to him, and never would.
    She turned until their faces were inches apart. Desire softened her eyes to velvet, making his pulse quicken. Her gaze scanned his face, resting on his mouth and she licked her lips.
    Logan reached out and lifted strands of her hair, letting the silky smoothness slide through his fingers. “Doriana.”
    Her lips parted for him and he leaned closer.
    “Am I interrupting something?”
    The throaty female voice coming from the doorway jerked them apart.
    Logan straightened and followed Doriana’s gaze to the stunning brunette, dressed in black, who stood framed in the doorway, arms folded across her chest and her brown eyes sparkling with mischief.
    “Anita.” Doriana’s voice shook.
    The other woman’s gaze traveled over Logan, and she smiled. “He’s certainly an improvement over Lisa.”
    Doriana picked up a pencil from her desk and twirled it between her fingers. Her nervous habit made Logan smile, and he wondered if she did that only

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