For Love of Mister Cotton Tail: An Apocalyptic Fairytale (Single)

Free For Love of Mister Cotton Tail: An Apocalyptic Fairytale (Single) by Serena Walken

Book: For Love of Mister Cotton Tail: An Apocalyptic Fairytale (Single) by Serena Walken Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serena Walken
return back to Sweet Meats yet, choosing to play the part of Easter Bunny with her bunny. However, she knew it would be coming to an end soon.
    “It would not be full time,” Big Bunny said yet again as he hopped over to her. “Stay.”
    “What do you mean full time?”
    “You do not have to be a rabbit full time,” he said. “There is room down in the holes for bigger creatures. You could change back and forth.”
    No, she could not. Candy closed her eyes. “I would be a human rabbit.”
    “There is nothing wrong with that.”
    “How could you know?” Candy hopped away. “Life would just get twisted. Can I eat meat, or will I turn vegan? Can I run Sweet Meats or do I let Momma take charge while I hop around?”
    “You are happier here,” Big Bunny stated. “You are happier with me than you would ever be at Sweet Meats.”
    “You hate wolves!” Candy turned around and yelled.
    “What does that have to do with anything?”
    “It is their way of life,” Candy said, “and I do not see you rebelling against nature.” She hopped a little closer. “Why do you hate them that much?”
    “Because they are vicious killers. The wolf gene is still out there, but the pure wolves are not. That wolf gene , that makes hunters. People who want to kill us. They are wolves. With their shotguns and ammo, they are just modern day renditions. We still die to them. My father died to them.” Big Bunny went silent. “They take everything away.”
    “Then I cannot stay.”
    “Because I am giving myself to a wolf.”
    Candy tried to his smile, but it was hopeless. “Darren Manner.”
    “You cannot go to Darren M anner.” His emerald green eyes turned red again. “You are waiting for Cotton.”
    “For what? To hurt him even more?” Candy began to hop away. “I am tired of hurting the ones I love. Momma. Poured. Cotton. For my own selfish need. Seeing him again, it would just hurt both of us.” She stopped. “Change me back, I need to get going.”
    “You cannot stop this.” Candy’s voice broke. “I didn’t help you for the apocalypse, I helped you find a better home. I will not make you live with the wolf. Now, change me back.”
    * * *
    Candy waited at the first table at Sweet Meats. Poured came over again as she had done before.
    “I am glad you’re back. You don’t want to miss your Cotton,” she said. “Do you want something to eat?”
    “It’s Darren.” Candy turned to look toward Poured. “I can’t deny facts, it’s the way it has always been. Darren will be coming. We’ll elope first, I talked him into it for a fifty fifty cut. Then, we’ll go from there.” Poured should have been thrilled by the news. Instead, she dropped her tray.
    “You can’t do that.” Poured touched her shoulder. “You have to be with Cotton.”
    “I am saving Sweet Meats either way.” What else did Poured want from her? “Watch out for Posh trying to interrupt his way over, please. I want to get this done as soon as possible.”
    “But you can’t!”
    “Why not?” Candy groaned as she glared at her sister. “You hated Cotton, what difference does it make?”
    “An apocalyptic difference.” Momma Sweet came to Candy’s other side. “Candy, you don’t get a choice. You have to be with Cotton.”
    “Apocalyptic?” Candy looked from Poured to Momma. Why would they use that term? Her mother and sister sat down and shared it. They shared everything. The dream when she was five. Tricking Cotton and Posh to come in at the right time.
    “Your father isn’t even ill, I told him to take six months off at a beach resort somewhere. He knows the dream too,” her mother revealed.
    “You.” Candy sat there, frozen. This whole time. Her family had been scheming for her to get taken by Cotton, but marry Darren for the company. “Your translation isn’t even right,” she said as she sat up from the chair. Then, Cotton came in. Poured and Momma tried to rush her over

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