One Chance To Love (Christian Romance)

Free One Chance To Love (Christian Romance) by Katie Ingersoll

Book: One Chance To Love (Christian Romance) by Katie Ingersoll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Ingersoll
well stocked with almost anything a person could need. Nice
and clean, too. That was a definite bonus.
    She found the Styrofoam cups in the
larger size, filled one with what smelled like freshly brewed nectar, and added
sugar and cream until it was just the way she liked it. A good sip and all her
cares seemed small and trivial, melting away into nothingness. At least for a
moment, anyway.
    Placing a lid on her cup, she
brought it to the gentleman at the counter.
    “What’s all the hubbub down the
street?” His curiosity bubbled over as he rang up her purchase. “Some big movie
star down there, or something?”
    “Dunno,” she lied. “Probably
somebody like that.” She dug the change from her purse and paid for her coffee.
    “We don’t get many of them folks on
the streets around here, ya know.”
    “Yeah. I know. Real shame, isn’t
it?” She hoped she sounded sincere.
    “Got that right.” He finished
counting the coins, smiled, and nodded at her.
    She glanced around the place,
noting that she was the only customer, and decided to lean against the counter
to continue her conversation with the nice older man.
    “Do you mind if I wait in here for
my cab?”
    He grinned. “Not at all. It’s a bit
nippy out there this morning.”
    “A little too chilly for my
liking.” She was thinking not only of the weather.
    “I know what you mean. But it won’t
be long before Spring comes to warm us up a little.”
    “Mmm…” She sipped her coffee.
“That’s my favorite time of the year.”
    “My Marion loved it, too.” His
voice held a melancholy tone. “May she rest peacefully.”
    She turned to face him, searching
his eyes. “How long were you married?”
    “Fifty wonder filled years,” he
replied without hesitation. “Only been six months since she passed, but it
feels like eternity.”
    Would she find someone to spend
that many years with? Or had she already found him? No. Can’t go there. He’d
already shown her what he was really like. How could he honestly think she’d
called the media and took money from them?
    A cab pulled up to the curb
    “Oh! There’s my ride. Thank you for
your hospitality, sir.” She headed toward the door.
    “Any time, Miss.” His face held a
big smile as he waved.
    There was a comfort and security
inherent to being in her own home. So it wasn’t a palace, or even a small
house, but it was her place, and Allison wanted nothing more than to
stay. However, with her current financial situation, she knew she’d have to go
elsewhere in less than a month. How she would be able to afford it was a bigger
question. She’d lost her job.
    Wait a sec. What did Flanders say
about it that day in the meeting? It had to do with the internet, or so it
seemed. Think, Allison. What was it?
    Then it came. Yes! He’d said that
most publishers these days were hiring freelance editors on the internet
because it was more cost effective. That’s what ultimately caused him to close
Elite Editing Services.
    With a renewed sense of hope, she
turned on her laptop, opened the search website, and looked up freelance
editing. She couldn’t believe the number of sites she found that would help her
find work. It took some time to go through those that seemed the most
reputable, but she found one that was highly promising.
    Signing up to be a member of the
site was easy and cost her nothing but a few minutes of her time. Once she’d
gotten through the required steps and set up a way to be paid, she looked
through the list of available jobs. There were literally hundreds. The pay
wasn’t even close to what she’d been making at Elite, but most of them she
could almost do in her sleep.
    She felt giddy with excitement—and
nervousness—as she picked out three that she was sure she could do. Even if she
was chosen for all of them, it wouldn’t take her more than a week to get them
done. Confidence and hope welled up within her when she’d finished applying for
the last

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