Peggy Dulle - Liza Wilcox 05 - Till Death Do Us Part
gun than the space shooters of the Astro Blasters.
    At 4:15, I pulled on Tom’s arm. “We’ve got to get up Main Street by 4:30.”
    “They bring down the flag at 4:30. I never miss it when I’m here.”
    “Okay, let’s go.”
    We walked briskly and made it. It always made my heart fill to watch the band play the Star Spangled Banner and several guards retire the flag. I’ve even seen a serviceman blow a horn and retire the flag, too.
    Tom and I watched in silence as they brought down the flag.
    “That was cool,” he said.
    It was almost five, so I said, “What would you like for dinner?”
    “I’d rather not have another burger, but what are my choices?”
    “Here in Disneyland we can have BBQ at the Bengal Barbecue, Mexican at the Rancho del Zocalo Restaurant, or a soup and salad at the Harbour Galley.”
    “I’ve eaten two huge meals, plus snacks, can we go to the soup and salad place?”
    “Of course, it’s over by Haunted Mansion.”
    Before we got there, Tom saw the place where people lined up to ride the Riverboat. “Can we ride that?”
    I had never ridden the Riverboat or the Sailing Ship, not ever . “Sure,” I said.
    “Michael thought it was too boring and refused to ride on it when we were here last, but I like the idea of sitting on the top deck and just going for a ride.”
    “Then let’s get in line.” I actually agreed with Michael but didn’t say so.
    The ride was … boring, but Tom enjoyed standing at the railing, holding my hand, and watching the sights of Disneyland go by. Go figure?
    Afterwards we had great salads at the Harbour Galley. Mine was the steak salad and Tom’s was grilled salmon salad and a bowl of vegetarian chili.
    When our meals came, I said, “So Anaheim’s got a serial killer. I didn’t read that in the paper or see it on television last night or today.”
    “Kathy is only the second girl, so I don’t think they’ll be calling it a serial killer yet.”
    “I didn’t hear about the first girl, did you?”
    “It wouldn’t be good to let all these vacationers know that a possible serial killer was on the loose in Anaheim.”
    “That’s true. I was kind of freaked out when I first read Kathy’s stats.”
    “I didn’t see it last night, but when I was staring at her DMV photo, I saw it too. While you were getting the Fast Passes for Space Mountain, I made a few calls, just to be sure.”
    “Who’d you call?”
    “I called the FBI and made sure that Emily and Jack were still in custody and both she and her husband are locked up tight. By the way, I don’t think I ever told you their real names.”
    I felt a chill run down my spine. Emily and Jack were two professional assassins who succeeded in killing several of my parents’ friends and also made attempts on my life during our Mexican cruise. They were captured in the end and as a result, I reconnected with the father I had thought was dead. “No, I just always think of them as Emily and Jack Stillman.”
    “Her name is Sasha. Jack’s is Niki and they really were married. Their married name is Borske. Sasha’s gotten into drama and has been performing in their prison plays and he’s still in the hospital.”
    “She is a beautiful woman and I can see her getting into acting. Jack, no, I mean Niki, is still in the hospital?”
    “Yeah, the doctor he went to in Mexico after he was shot must have used a dirty instrument to take out the bullet and sew up his wound. He ended up with blood poisoning and several of his organs stopped working. He’s in a coma and being kept alive by several machines.”
    “Karma’s a bitch,” I told him.
    Tom nodded. “I also checked on the people your dad is testifying against, they’re all incarcerated, too.”
    “That must have been some conversation for the people in line at the Matterhorn to hear.”
    Tom shrugged and said, “You’re more important than strangers, Liza.”
    I smiled, leaned over and kissed him. “Thanks.”
    With time to

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