Phobia (Interracial Paranormal Romance) (Wisteria)

Free Phobia (Interracial Paranormal Romance) (Wisteria) by Bisi Leyton

Book: Phobia (Interracial Paranormal Romance) (Wisteria) by Bisi Leyton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bisi Leyton
she wasn’t so sure. Taking a deep breath, she fired at its head again and the dart whizzed by. She fired once more and hit the biter in the chest. Good enough. The poison would still kill it. The final infected, the one with one hand, was now inches away from her. Crawling back, she loaded the last dart, shot at the biter and missed.
    The creature reached for her leg and hoisted her upside down. Wisteria dropped the gun and grabbed her sword. Swinging upwards, she cut the creature ’s other arm off and she crashed to the ground.
    A loud booming gunshot rang out into the night air and the massive biter fell.
    “ No,” Wisteria cried as she jumped to her feet. “Sabine?”
    The woman was pointing a gun at the fallen biter. “Are you okay?”
    “ What did you do?” Wisteria grabbed her dart gun and ran toward her.
    “ Bloody hell, Sabine.” Wisteria’s mother sprang to her feet, abandoning the tire she was changing.
    “ I thought I attached the silencer.” Sabine examined her gun in shock. “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.”
    “ Really?” Wisteria wanted to cry.
    A chorus of groans filled the dark air.
    Looking round, Wisteria tried to determine where the sounds were coming from. It sounded like—everywhere.
    “ Hurry, Lara,” Aunty Jenny pleaded.
    “ Keep those creatures off me and I’ll get the tire changed,” her mother barked and returned to finish the tire.
    “ We’ll try.” Wisteria grabbed the small bag of darts from the SUV. Climbing onto the roof, she dropped the bag by her feet. “This won’t last long, if we don’t leave in like ten minutes.”
    “ That isn’t helping Wisteria.” Her mother seethed as she removed the tire from the car. “Do what you can.”
    The two other women continued to slice and stab the biters while Wisteria aimed at the nearest biter.
    “ Don’t get up there, Sabine’s a better shot. Stay in the car,” her mother ordered.
    Immediately, Sabine limped back to the SUV and climbed up. “I twisted my ankle, but I’m fine.”
    “ I was doing okay,” Wisteria protested.
    “ Then why did Sabine have to risk firing a gun to get you out of trouble? Get in the car and lock the doors. We’ll take care of this.” Her mother placed the new tire over the rim.
    “ I can take care of myself,” Wisteria argued with her mother. “I can—”
    “ Now,” her mother commanded.
    Giving Sabine her gun, Wisteria complied. She didn ’t have the strength to argue with her. Moreover, this wasn’t the place to have a debate, it was the place to keep quiet and out of sight.
    Once inside, she locked the car doors and watched Aunty Jenny battle the nearing biters with an axe. Sabine also did her best to thin out the growing swarm. Suddenly, Wisteria looked in the opposite direction at her mother who was still working on the tire. She saw a pair of biters shuffling toward her mother, but her mother couldn’t see them. Unlocking the door, she grabbed her sword and dashed to the pair of infected men. Stabbing the first in the forehead, she cut off the head of the second in two swings.
    Three more biters appeared from the darkness and ambled toward her. Before Wisteria could take a step forward, the three biters fell as darts appeared in the heads.
    “I told you to wait in the vehicle.” Her mother gripped her arm. “This isn’t a game Wisteria. Get your butt in the car now. Everyone in now, I’m done.” She stomped to the car jumped in and started the engine.
    “ They were coming after you.” Wisteria sped after her.
    “ Good job.” Sabine hobbled down from the roof of the car. “You did the right thing. I see why you were such a good tracker.”
    “ Don’t encourage her.” Her mother started the car. “We’ve got to go.”
    Wisteria slid in behind the passenger seat. Sabine sat next to her while Aunty Jenny got in front and her mother drove.
    “Sabine watch the right side, Jenny take the left.” Her mother zoomed through the roads of Pottingham village, now

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