The Old House (Haunted Series Book 16)

Free The Old House (Haunted Series Book 16) by Alexie Aaron

Book: The Old House (Haunted Series Book 16) by Alexie Aaron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexie Aaron
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her wear.
    Mike was oddly attracted to the new Mia.  She ignored him, sat down and prepared herself for the first interview.
    “Mia, don’t take it the wrong way, but your hair is too shiny for the camera,” Burt said, looking through the viewer.  He touched his earcom and asked, “Ted, how does Mia come over on the video?”
    “I beg your pardon?” Ted asked, his voice squeaking.
    “How is she looking, you ass?”
    “Ethereal, a bit shiny,” he said.
    Burt set the camera down, walked over and mussed up Mia’s hair.  She looked like she wanted to punch him, but Mike cleared his voice and asked, “Ted, how about now?”
    “Much less shiny,” he said.
    Burt mussed up her hair once more, and this time Mia slugged him.
    “Careful, peanut, that’s your boss,” Ted said over the com.
    “It took me a lot of time to do my hair, and this oaf messes it up,” Mia complained.
    “You’re starting to sound like Mike,” Ted said.
    “Oh, sorry.”
    Mike looked at Mia and understood.  Burt had turned the angel into a recently-bedded vixen.  He took out his comb and said, “Trust me, Mia.”
    She did.  Within minutes, he had pulled her hair back and braided it loosely, letting it fall over her shoulder.  He took off his leather bracelet and wound it around the end.  “There,” he said.  “How does she look now?”
    “Like a professional PEEP,” Ted declared.
    “Okay, send in the first interviewee,” Burt said, rubbing the bruised muscle of his shoulder.
    Cid, Audrey and Murphy looked at the list of hotspots.  They only had two more cameras to set up.  So far, there hadn’t been any interference.  The hotel staff had mentioned that most of the incidents had happened after dark.  Murphy didn’t pick up on anyone lurking in the areas they were working in, so maybe the team would complete the setup before anything happened.
    “How’s this angle?” Cid asked Ted.
    “Can you move the camera back a bit? All I can see is the corner.  The activity is supposed to happen on the bed, over.”
    Cid looked at Audrey who was cracking up.
    “That’s what she said, over.” Audrey couldn’t resist.
    “Miss McCarthy, whatever has come over you?” Ted said, realizing what he just said and quickly droned, “Cancel last transmission.”
    Cid and Audrey laughed so hard that Audrey flew into the bathroom. Cid sat on the floor, stared into the camera, and announced, “Ghost hunter down.”
    “You guys, you’re worse than Mia and Mike,” Ted complained.
    “How is the dynamic duo doing?” Cid asked.
    “Mia slugged Burt, and her and Mike seemed in sync.”
    “Bizarro World, dude,” Cid said, getting up.  He walked over to the bathroom door and knocked on it.  “Miss Audrey, are you alright?”
    “Um yes, I’m just washing my…  Maybe we should get a camera in here,” she said, opening the door.
    The steam rising from the sink fogged the mirror where something was writing GET OUT!
    Cid picked up the camera and filmed the scene.  “This could have been written before we got here.  The letters timed,” he suspected.
    Audrey was taking readings.  “All seems to be within normal parameters, Captain.”
    Ted rolled his eyes.  It was going to be an interesting evening with Audrey in this kind of mood.
    Mia waited until John Groban, the bartender for the Price Hills Resort, sat down.  She leaned over and clipped a small microphone to his collar.  “This is to help boost your voice.  This room has a high ceiling so your voice may get lost,” she explained.
    “No problem,” he said, oddly comforted by her hands on him.  He didn’t like being in the hotel, even in the daylight.
    “Can I get you something to drink?” she asked.
    John smiled, taking in the role reversal.  “No, I’m fine.”
    “Okay, I would like you to take us back to a few moments before the incident.  I understand you were alone in the bar on the main floor?”
    “Yes, I was taking stock.  The

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