The Cartel

Free The Cartel by Ashley & JaQuavis

Book: The Cartel by Ashley & JaQuavis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley & JaQuavis
abs seemed to poke out of his stomach.
    As Miamor slowly walked over to him, the clicking of her heels against the ground gained his attention.
    He slowly sat up and looked at Miamor, admiring her shape and oversized behind. He loved the way her jeans hugged her hips, and the way she switched them when she walked. Her thighs seemed to stick out more than her waist. Ma’tee’s fantasies were short-lived as he realized that Miamor was more than just a stunning woman—She was a coldhearted killer too.
    His dreads were much neater than his henchmen’s, and the tips were bleached brown. He shook his head, letting them fall freely from its original ponytail. “Hello, Miamor,” he said, greeting her with a smile.
    “Hi, Ma’tee,” she answered as she took a seat next to him. “Sorry I interrupted your daughter’s birthday party, but I really needed to talk to you.”
    “Ey, mon, no problem. Miamor me girl, ya know,” he said as he put on his shirt.
    “Yeah, I know. But, listen, I need to know more about this nigga Mecca.” Miamor stared in Ma’tee’s eyes with deep sincerity.
    Ma’tee saw the desperation in her eyes and stood up. “Why don’t chu come to me office. We talk ‘bout it.”
    Miamor nodded her head and got up to follow Ma’tee.
    Just as they were about to reach the glass door, Ma’tee’s daughter came running out. “Dadda, Dadda, the clown made me a giraffe, see?” She handed him the balloon animal.
    “Yes, me see me baby girl’s giraffe. Wonderful!” Ma’tee scooped her up in his arms.
    “Dadda, when are you coming out to play with me?”
    “Dadda gots to talk to me friend Miamor. Then me come back to you, okay,” he said before he kissed her on the cheek.
    “Okay. I have to use the bathroom now,” his daughter said as she wiggled down and ran towards the wraparound stairs.
    Ma’tee stared at his only child and smiled. He looked back at Miamor and said, “That’s me baby girl, right dere.”
    Miamor smiled and continued to follow Ma’tee into his back office. She walked into the office, where Ma’tee had shelves of books. In fact with his extensive collection, the office sort of looked like a library. His shiny red oak table sat in the middle with a deluxe leather chair behind it.
    Ma’tee made his way over to the chair and sat down. He waved his hand to the seat in front of him. “Sit, sit.”
    Miamor accepted his offer and sat down.
    Ma’tee continued, “Me sorry to hear ‘bout your sista. Me never meant for dat to happen, you know.”
    “Yeah, I know.” Miamor dropped her head.
    “Look, me still pay you, okay.” Ma’tee pulled a briefcase from under his desk.
    Miamor looked at the briefcase as Ma’tee popped it open. It was fifty stacks, ten percent of the agreed amount that they were to be paid after the job was completed. She knew that they didn’t deserve the money, because they didn’t finish the job, so she declined.
    “No, Ma’tee, I’m good. I just want to know how to get at the mu’fucka that killed my—”
    A loud scream came from upstairs. “Aghhh!” It was the voice of a little girl.
    What the fuck?
Miamor turned around and looked toward the door.
    Ma’tee instantly recognized the voice to be his daughter’s and grabbed his gun from his drawer and hurried to her aid.
    Armed Haitians rushed upstairs where the girl was and what they saw devastated them. There were five bodies lying in their own blood, and Ma’tee’s young daughter stood in the middle of them. She had discovered them when she went to use the restroom. The dead bodies were scattered throughout the hallway, each of them with double gunshot wounds through their heads.
    Ma’tee’s heart dropped when he saw his daughter screaming in the middle of the massacre scene. He hurried over to her and scooped her in his arms.
    Miamor had followed him up the stairs and was completely flabbergasted when she saw the slaughter. “Oh my God,” she whispered as she put her hand over her

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