His Outback Cowgirl (Wildflower Ranch Book 4)

Free His Outback Cowgirl (Wildflower Ranch Book 4) by Alissa Callen

Book: His Outback Cowgirl (Wildflower Ranch Book 4) by Alissa Callen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alissa Callen
expression didn’t reveal just how beautiful he found the Australian cowgirl. Just as well Henry didn’t have his binoculars. He’d see right through Ethan’s composure.
    Bridie stopped before him, her jeans slung over her forearm. Her damp hair hung in heavy ringlets, her checks were again pale ... His heart clenched. And her eyes were swollen and red.
    He folded his arms to stop himself tugging her close. For all of her bravado, Bridie’s grief continued to cut her up inside. He had to be her friend and help her find the closure she needed. His attraction, respect and admiration would have to stay buried.
    Her eyes, more grey now than blue, slid away from his. “That smells good.”
    “And it tastes even better. No one does campfire food like Rosa does.”
    “Great. I’ll get dressed. These jeans might go on easier now that I’m dry.”
    Dinner passed with small talk interspersed with lengthening periods of silence. When the blueberry cobbler had been polished off for dessert and their mugs of coffee emptied, Bridie helped him clean up. She then slung the bear spray saddlebag over her shoulder and collected her camera.
    “It’ll soon be sunset and it will be a good time to see some more animals. Don’t worry. I won’t go far.”
    “Go as far as you want or need to. I know you can take care of yourself.” He smiled. “And yes, that’s a compliment.”
    Her lips briefly curved. “Thanks.”
    This time Ethan didn’t allow himself to become preoccupied with when Bridie would return. He’d spoken the truth. He knew she could take care of herself. Bridie needed space and understanding. She didn’t need to be around someone who’d smother her with concern or stifle her independent spirit.
    It wasn’t until the first star had pushed through the night sky blanketing the lake that she walked back into camp. The gloom masked her expression but in the glow of the firelight her eyes looked bleak and haunted.
    “Any luck?” he said, keeping their conversation casual.
    “Yes. I saw mule deer and there was a moose cow and calf I’ll look for again at sunrise. The baby was so gangly and cute.”
    Bridie declined another coffee and set about getting ready for bed. The bug spray sounded before she slipped into her bedroll. Knowing they had an early start tomorrow, Ethan too prepared for bed. After a last check on the horses and fire he slid into his bedroll. The bug spray sounded again.
    “Under attack?” he asked.
    She giggled but her amusement sounded hollow. “Just being a good girl scout and being prepared. Want some?”
    “No. I’m all good. For some reason mosquitoes don’t like me.” He paused. “Night.”
    Silence descended broken only by the pop of a fire ember and the chatter of water insects. Arm behind his head, Ethan stared at the star-strewn sky. Every so often canvas would protest as Bridie moved in her bedroll. Then the sound of Bridie tossing and turning became more regular. Ethan pressed his mouth shut. As much as he wanted too he couldn’t intrude on her grief. It wasn’t his place to ask how she was doing.
    “Ethan?” Her soft voice sounded.
    “I can’t sleep.”
    He smiled into the darkness. “I gathered that. You make more noise than a moose bull in the undergrowth.”
    “I’ll take that as another compliment.” A smile warmed her voice. “It’s so strange looking at the sky and seeing unfamiliar stars.”
    “I’ve heard the southern hemisphere sky looks different.”
    “It does.” She paused. “Do you think they’re looking down on us?”
    He swallowed. “Yes. I do. They’re not only looking down but also ... watching over us.”
    Bridie didn’t immediately answer. “I miss him. So ... much.”
    “I know.”
    She moved in her bedroll again and when she spoke her voice was low. “Tell me about your mother? Henry doesn’t have any photos of her at the ranch.”
    “No, but that’s okay. They weren’t together in the normal sense.

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