The Sheikh's Irresistible Proposal

Free The Sheikh's Irresistible Proposal by Holly Rayner

Book: The Sheikh's Irresistible Proposal by Holly Rayner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Rayner
country would never get the opportunity to hear your voice.”
    Darn him , she thought. He’s trying to flatter me, and it’s working .
    Hannah sighed and looked at the scratched metal door they had entered before. She finally understood why she was being paid so well; she was black market goods. But, hell, it wasn’t so bad. Some part of her quite liked the whole sneaking around thing. It made her feel like a spy. A good spy, who happened to work for a very rich, very good-looking sheikh. She could live with that.
    “Okay,” she said, “I get it, and I don’t blame you. I understand our cultures are worlds apart, and I guess I should be flattered that you want me here to sing. So, I can live with the whole back door thing.”
    Sadiq’s face light up. “Thank you,” he said, reaching out to hug her. “Thank you!” He squeezed her hard and then planted kisses on each of her cheeks. “Okay, so you go in here and I go in the front, but I’ll be watching you the whole time. When the show is over, Raffi will escort you out to the limo. Got it?”
    Hannah nodded. “Got it.”
    He hugged her again and then nodded for Naasir to go around and open the door.
    A moment later, Hannah, dressed in a cobalt blue evening gown, stepped out of the limo and into the Shimab backstreet. Minutes later, she was inside the club and waiting behind the curtain for her cue.
    The band started up and Hannah stepped out onto the stage and grabbed the 1940s-style microphone. The houselights were dimmed and with the spotlight on her, she could only make out shadowy figures in the crowd. Just the way she liked it. She never liked being able to see who was watching her. It made her nervous. Besides, there was only one person she wanted to see tonight. And she could tell, even in the shadows, that the tall, dark figure with the wavy hair in the back was Sadiq. Just knowing he was there put her at ease.
    After a few measures of music, she opened her mouth and began to sing. She closed her eyes and fell into her groove, feeling the band, tasting the words as they flowed out of her, breathing in the soul of the jazz. She was quietly amazed that here, in this distant land, where she spoke not one word of the language, the music was the same.
    Jazz was like that. It was a universal language. She could go anywhere and people would understand her, even if they didn’t understand the words. They could feel the message in the way she sang the lyrics, in the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed in and pushed words out. That was what music was all about. That was what she loved. And she got lost in it.
    So lost, in fact, that she never saw Sadiq leave. When her performance was through, the house lights went up and Hannah got her first real look at the guests. She scanned the audience, smiling and bowing slightly to the cheering fans. The stage lights made her eyes sparkle as she looked across the faces and toward to the back to where Sadiq had been. She didn’t see him. Her eyes moved across the room more quickly; she didn’t see him anywhere.
    Where was he? She glanced over to the stage door; nothing. A wave of panic rose up in her. All the fearful thoughts she had had the night she first met him came back to her. What if really he was a crazed stalker?
    Hannah felt the fear creeping up inside her. She knew she was thinking crazy, but couldn’t help herself. Here she was, in a city she had never been in, at a club she didn’t even know the name of, in front of a room full of men all speaking a language she didn’t understand. This was not good. She was on the verge of having a full-blown panic attack when she heard her name being called.
    “Miss Green! Miss Green!”
    Hannah turned her head to the stage door and saw Naasir’s smiling face standing at the open door.
    She let out a huge breath and gave a final wave to the crowd before practically running off the stage and into the

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